Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is honestly a Betty I have never really done before. So I hope you enjoy.

Betty POV:

Betty: why do I have to go and see him? I said as I rolled my eyes.

Hal, my mums ex husband is in hospital. He's not even my dad.

I have no relationship to this man in any way shape or form. Not to mention that he hates me.

He has a daughter the same age as me, just a few months younger, and out of spite, he and his wife named her Elizabeth.

And my mum and sister seem to think I'm being crazy about this situation.

Polly: yes. He's my dad and I want to be there for him. She said.
Betty: you can do that, fine. But I shouldn't have to be around that horrible man. I said.
Polly: don't you dare say that about my dad. She said angrily.
Alice: girls enough! Betty apologise now. She said and my jaw dropped.
Betty: you're kidding me? I said.
Alice: now! She said sternly.
Betty: Polly I am really sorry. I said.
Polly: thank y-
Betty: really sorry that your dad is a useless prick. I said.

Polly raised her hand up and slapped me across the face.

Betty: you bitch! I yelled at her.
Alice: Elizabeth go to your room now! She yelled.
Betty: I'm sorry, who are you taking to, me or his daughter? I said sarcastically.
Alice: get to your room now before I put you in hospital. She said.

I love you too mum and big sister.

I let out an angry groan as I stormed up to my room.

Why does my life have to be so unfair?

I slumped onto my bed and threw my head onto my pillow.

Only about five years ago, so when I was thirteen, I found out who my real father was, Fp Jones. He is the Serpent King.

I also found out that they were supposed to be a one night stand.

So to add to my miserable life, I'm a mistake.

During these past years I've formed a connection with my dad.

At first it was awkward and weird, but over time we started bonding and I was really happy to have a surprisingly loving father in my life.

Through meeting my dad, I also met my boyfriend Sweet Pea.

I was spending some time with my dad at the Wyrm when a guy with a tattoo on his neck caught my eye.

The next time I visited the Wyrm, we started to talk and we soon started a relationship together.

These past two years that I've spent with him have been some of my happiest.

I had been up in my room for about half an hour when I got a text from my mum, telling me that we're going.

I let out a sigh as I got up and put on a jacket.

I walked downstairs and into my mums cars.

I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window.

Alice and Polly were sitting at the front as they talked about Hal and how they hoped he was getting better.

He could die for all I care, I hope he can take Polly, Alice, Elizabeth and his wife with him.

Maybe I'd finally be happy.

We arrived at the hospital and I followed behind the two of them.

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