Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: you know, you guys are so lucky that you get to date us. I said.

My boyfriend Sweet Pea and I were on a double date with my best friend Kevin and his boyfriend Joaquin.

Joaquin: how? He laughed as he took a sip of his beer.
Betty: firstly, dating best friends is amazing- I started but Sweet Pea interrupted me.
Sweet Pea: it is absolutely not. You guys always want to be together and we can never just hangout alone. He said.
Kevin: yeah but Joaquin is your best friend. He said.
Sweet Pea: yeah, but we have boundaries. We don't hang out for 16 hours out of the day.
Joaquin: agreed. You guys are attached to each other. He said making himself and Sweet Pea laugh.
Betty: of course, he's my baby. I said.
Kevin: she's my baby. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: see, this is why we need boundaries. I'm surprised you two aren't dating. He said making Joaquin laugh.
Betty: we tried. I said. Both of the boys heads snapped to Kevin and I.
Joaquin: what? He asked in shock.
Kevin: we tried dating than I realised I was gay. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Sweet Pea: and why did you never tell us? He asked.
Betty: not important. I said as I took a drink from Sweet Pea's glass.
Joaquin: I think it kinda is. He said but Kevin and I shrugged our shoulders.

We stayed there for another hour when Joaquin decided to take Kevin back to their apartment at the Wyrm. We have an apartment too, it's right next to theirs.

We decided to stay a little longer, just Sweet Pea and I getting the chance to be together. I know he loves spending time together like this.

We were at Veronica's latest project, a speakeasy. I really do have a lot of questions, but for now I enjoyed the time with my lovely man.

Sweet Pea: you look so gorgeous. He smiled up at me.

I was sitting in his lap so I leaned closer to him and placed a kiss on his lips.

Betty: thank you handsome. I said as I caressed his cheek. 
Sweet Pea: you're perfect. He said as he looked into my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.

Betty: I love you. I whispered into his ear.
Sweet Pea: I love you too angel.

We enjoyed our night for a little longer when Sweet Pea said we should call it a night because I could barely keep my eyes open.

As we drove home, I fell asleep on his shoulder.

When we arrived at the Wyrm, he woke me up.

He wrapped his arm around me and we walked upstairs to our apartment.

He unlocked the door and I walked inside.

Betty: what the fuck? I yelled as I saw some bitch in lingerie on our couch.

Sweet Pea walked in and he saw this bitch.

Betty: who the hell is she? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: I- I don't know. He started.
Betty: fuck you. I yelled at him as I ran downstairs and got into my car.

Would he really have some side bitch?

I drove around for about half an hour before I found myself at Pops.

I walked inside and sat in the booth in which Sweet Pea and I called ours.

I sat in the virtually dead diner, the only person besides me was a waitress who looked tired and in need of some sleep.

I thought back to the scene I saw no more than forty minutes ago.

Why would some random girl be in our apartment? Does Sweet Pea know her? Does he think she's prettier than me? Does he love her?

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