Betty x Sweet Pea

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I don't even know how to describe this chapter.

Betty POV:

Alice: Elizabeth come downstairs now! She yells at me. I let out a groan.

She only wants me there because she has guests over. Fp and Jughead Jones.

Fp is planning on marrying my mother. I completely disapprove of their marriage. There's no doubt that Fp is a beautiful and kind man, it's my mother who's the problem. She's been lying to him and threatening to sent me away to The Sisters of Quiet Mercy if I open my mouth.

Today's that day I warn Fp, I help him. I know he'll probably hate me after this but he needs to learn the truth before he commits himself to her.

The biggest secret I have kept was my brother, Malachi. He's the most sweetest, kindest, caring and loving brother, but he's a Ghoulie.

As soon as mum started dating Fp she kicked Malachi out and basically disowned him. Malachi told me to leave with him, it would be much safer with him. I was going to move in with him but that's when the threats began.

After I confront them today I'm planning on moving in with Malachi and his roommate, Sweet Pea. I've always found Sweet Pea cute and we flirt a lot, I hope me and him become something.

Another big secret is that the only reason my dad left was because my mum drew him to insanity. She knew how to tear him down until it was toxic.

Dad loves me and Malachi, we call each other everyday. I hate that he's gone but I knew he did it for the right reasons. I miss my dad.

I walked downstairs and stood opposite the three of them who were sitting at the table.

Alice: join us Elizabeth. She says.
Betty: no thanks. Why do you want me here? I asked uninterestedly. She stood up and hovered over me, she was angry.
Alice: you are not going to disrespect me in my own house. I smile.
Betty: then that's a good thing I'm moving out today. I say with a smirk.

Over the past couple weeks I've slowly been moving my stuff into their apartment which is above the Ghoulies lair. It's convenient for my brother to live there since he's the leader.

Fp: darling, I know you're angry but please don't leave. He says softly and with care.

He doesn't deserve to be with Alice, she'll destroy him, like she did to my dad.

Betty: Fp I'm sorry I never told you this earlier but I have a brother. Both Fp and Jughead's jaws dropped.

I felt so bad.

Alice: don't speak another sentence or you know what's going to happen. She warns me.
Fp: no, let her speak. He says sternly and turned his head to me.
Betty: well my brother is Malachi. Mum kicked him out as soon as she started dating you. She's only using you Fp, like she did to my dad. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. She threatened to sent me away to this place that abuses and drugs people. I say. Fp's eyes widened with shock.
Alice: that's it, I'm sending you away. She yelled at me while grabbing really hard onto my arm.

All of a sudden a group of Ghoulies break through the door and storm into the kitchen where we were. Malachi and Sweet Pea were leading everyone.

Malachi: let go of her. He warns her.

Mum knew that she couldn't compete against Malachi. He's to strong.

Malachi: we're leaving. He announced as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

As soon as we got outside he gave me a helmet and lead me to his bike that was next to Sweet Pea's.

Malachi: are you okay? He asked while embracing me in a tight hug. I melted into it.
Betty: I'm fine, don't worry. I say to him.

We soon all go on our bikes and left. I had my arms wrapped tightly around Malachi as we headed to their lair.

We soon arrived and Malachi was instantly dragged off for some reason or another.

Sweet Pea and I walked up to our apartment and he opened the door for me.

Sweet Pea: welcome home Princess. He says with a smirk.

We both flopped onto the couch and I cuddled into his side, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kept me close to him.

Betty: thank you for letting me move in. I say while looking up into his eyes.
Sweet Pea: how could I say no? I get to see you more often. He says with a smirk.
Betty: who said you will? Who said I won't be hanging out at the lair, trying to find myself a boyfriend? I say with a smirk to annoy him.
Sweet Pea: you're crazy if you think I'm let any of them touch you. He says possessively.

I like this Sweet Pea.

Betty: why? I asked although I already knew his answer. An answer I've been waiting so long to here from him.
Sweet Pea: you're mine. He growls out.

I move myself so I was now straddling him. He smirked and wrapped his arms around my back, keeping me close to him.

Betty: am I now? I breathed against his lips. A growl escaped his kissable lips.

I had enough of talking and just smashed my lips on his.

He took my lips in his. The kiss was dominating yet gentle. His lips moved against mine like he had been dying to put them on mine. His arms went up and down my back. The warmth from his hands made me feel safe. He gently bit at my lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth to him and he let out a growl against my lips, my lips that are in love with his. He slowly moved his tongue into my mouth. I let out a little moan.

Malachi: just couldn't keep your tongues in your mouths could you? He said with a laugh. I instantly jumped off of Sweet Pea and hid my head in his chest. They both let out a chuckle.

Malachi: well it's definitely going to be fun living with you two making out all the time. He says making us all chuckle.
Malachi: one rule. If I catch you fucking I'm kicking you both out. He says making me blush. They both noticed and let out a laugh.

Sweet Pea: you're adorable baby girl. He says while placing a lingering kiss on my lips.

I hope you enjoyed!!!
I've always wanted to write a story where Malachi and Betty are siblings but I've never known a good storyline for them, I still don't 😂

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