Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you enjoy my loves ❤️

Sweet Pea POV:

My names Sweet Pea and I grew up in the town of Riverdale. At the age of 21 I moved to LA so I could pursue my photography career.

LA has been absolutely wonderful to me but I had to leave my two best friends behind, Jughead Jones and Betty Jones.

I've known those two since I was four. They're twins and get along better then any other brother or sister relationship that I've ever seen.

Every year I manage to make time and go down to Riverdale to spend it with them for a week.

I was now sitting on my flight to Riverdale as I couldn't wait to see them again, especially Betty.

I don't know, she's just so cute and always so sweet. I may have the tiniest of crushes on her.

After a 3 hour flight I ordered an Uber and soon arrived at their house.

I knocked on the door and was instantly greeted by my best friend. We gave each other bro hugs and talked for a bit.

As we talked I wondered where Betty was. She's usually out here by now, pushing Jughead out of the way so she can hug me. I nicknamed her as cuddle bug.

She always likes to cuddle. She's the most adorable thing.

Sweet Pea: where's Betty? I asked him. He let out a sigh
Jughead: she's in her room. He said.

I could see by his expression that there was more then that going on. I gave him a look, telling him that I wanted to know everything.

Jughead: her boyfriend broke up with her, she's locked herself in her room for the past 4 days. She won't speak to anyone, I'm worried about her. He said, his voice laced with concern.
Sweet Pea: would you like me to try talking to her? I asked and he nodded his head.

I got up and walked to her room. I knocked on her door and got no response. I decided to walk in.

She had a tear stained face and all of her body, expect her head, was under the blanket.

As soon as I saw her sad face I wanted to pull her into my lap and hug her as tight as I could and place soft and soothing kisses on her head, lips and forehead.

I want this girl really badly but I need to think of her right now. She's just gotten out of a relationship that has clearly effected her. The last thing she needs is me acting all lovey dovey towards her.

Sweet Pea: hey Cuddle bug. I said as I took a seat on the side of her bed.

She looked up to me but didn't say anything or have any expression on her face.

Sweet Pea: are you okay? I obviously knew her answer but I wanted to ease her into talking to me.

She shook her head.

Sweet Pea: do you wanna talk about it? I asked her.

She shook her head.

Sweet Pea: is there anything I can do? I asked.

She once again shook her head.

Sweet Pea: do you want me to stay? I asked and she nodded her head.

I gave her a small smile as I brushed her hair out of her face. She came closer to me so that her head was resting in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her head.

I looked at the girl in my arms as I tried my best not to keep kissing her soft skin. She has an affect on me like no other person does.

We stayed in her room for an hour in just peaceful silence. Jughead soon came in and took my place.

She seemed to start opening up to her twin. Jughead listened and comforted her in a way that made her relax.

After a few hours of being with Betty, we moved to the lounge and began watching a movie together.

Betty was in the middle and I was sitting on her left as she began cuddling into my side. I couldn't help but smile at the girl I've known most of my life.

The movie soon ended and we were all hungry. Jughead went out to get us some food from Pops, leaving me and Betty back at the house, alone.

Sweet Pea: you feeling better? I asked as I looked down into her beautiful green eyes.
Betty: yes, thank you. She said softly as she snuggled her head into my neck.

The rest of the week it was spent catching up and making sure Betty was okay.

It was unfortunately the time I had to leave and I had said my goodbyes to them.

I was back on the plane as I thought about Betty. I so desperately wanted to make a move on her but she had just gotten out of a relationship. I would be the worst friend if I put her in that situation.

( 1 year later )

I was back in Riverdale, this time I had a big surprise for my favorite twins. I was moving back to Riverdale.

There was a job offer in Riverdale for the same company I work with. They relocated me and now I get to work where I grew up.

I arrived at the Jones' house and had a smile on my face, I hadn't told them yet.

I rang the door and was greeted by a bro hug from Jughead.

Betty: move. She said to her brother as she pushed him out of the way and jumped into my arms.

This is the happy and upbeat Betty I love.

I looked up to her and smiled.

Sweet Pea: happy to see me cuddle bug? I asked her. She nodded her head excitedly.
Jughead: glad to know who she likes more. He said making me laugh and Betty giggle.

Sweet Pea: well, I have a surprise to tell you both. Betty got really excited.
Betty: Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. She said as she was still in my arms. I laughed
Sweet Pea: do you want me to put you down before I tell you? I asked with a laugh. She shook her head.

Sweet Pea: wellll, I'm moving back to Riverdale. I said. Their jaws dropped.
Jughead: wait seriously? He asked in surprise.

Jughead was walking up to hug me but Betty stopped him.

Betty: no. She said as she hugged tighter into me. I let out a laugh and Jughead rolled his eyes.
Sweet Pea: aren't you adorable? I said making her blush as I poked her nose. She giggled and hid her head in my neck.
Jughead: okay I'm done with your guys flirting, can you just get together. He said. Both Betty and I's faces went read.

Jughead let out a laugh as he walked out of the room.

Sweet Pea: do you like me gorgeous? I asked. She nodded her head as it still remained tucked into my neck. I smiled to myself.
Sweet Pea: I like you too. I said. She popped her head out and gave me a confused look.
Betty: really? She asked. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: how couldn't I love that cute face? I said with a smirk.
Betty: stop. She said with a giggle.
Sweet Pea: never. I said.

We both looked into each other's eyes until our lips were connected. Our lips danced around each other's as we tried to taste each other as much as we could.

Her lips were soft and tasted like vanilla.

A rush of pure love for her ran through my body. I've always admired this stunning girl and now, to have my lips on hers. It's unbelievable.

We soon leant out of the kiss to catch our breath.

Sweet Pea: you're mine. I said against her forehead. She nodded her head.

And my Swetty heart keeps thriving on!

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