Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy, it's long!

Betty POV:

Betty: I'm so over having the same old conversation with you. It's either you trust me when I say that nothing between Bret and I is going on or you don't. I yelled at him.

I've been going to Stonewall Prep for the past year. Sweet Pea and I have been dating since I was 17, I'm now 18.

Sweet Pea and I got together and instantly clicked.

7 months into our relationship, he asked me to be his Serpent Queen. I obviously said yes. I love this man.

When the Serpents discovered that I was going to be their queen, they definitely didn't like it.

I'm a North Sider, they didn't trust me.

For the first month I got death threats, I got disgusted looks and people trying to convince Sweet Pea to break up with me.

I never told Sweet Pea about the death threats, it wouldn't help my case.

But it was a really hard time in my life. I stayed with him though, because I loved him.

His friends Fangs, Jughead, Toni and Joaquin also hated me. They thought I was just using him, or that I thought of him as a fling.

They all made my life hell.

Now they all like and respect me. I've made peace with them but still, deep down I'll never be able to forgive any of them for the disrespect and pure hatred they gave me.

When I found out that I would be going to Stonewall, it was a shock and new challenge in our relationship. But he supported me and encouraged me to go.

But this past month has been extremely rough between us.

Sweet Pea saw Bret and I studying at Pops one day.

I was laughing at something Bret had said. Sweet Pea saw this and the next day he came to my dorm, demanding that I tell him what's going on.

I tried telling him that we were just studying and nothing more.

I see Bret as almost like my superhero, although I'd never say that to his face. I don't want him getting too cocky.

But when I first arrived at this school, I was nervous, scared. He showed me around and introduced me to his friends.

But back to now, Sweet Pea still thinks that Bret and I have done something together and I'm over it.

I love Sweet Pea but I'm not putting up with this any longer.

Sweet Pea stayed quiet.

I couldn't believe him. After everything, he doesn't trust me.

Betty: thank you Sweet Pea, thank you. I said as I stormed out of his office and past all the Serpents who were giving me confused looks.

I had no doubt that they were able to hear all the yelling Sweet Pea and I had doing. At this point, I don't care.

They got what they wanted from the beginning, their lead back.

I got in my car and headed back to school. I just wanted to lay in bed with a book and read until I fall asleep.

I arrived at school and headed to my room. When I got to my room, I saw a sock on the door knob. I learnt that the hard way that that's code for 'we're having sex'.

I banged on the door hard.

Betty: Donna you better be having sex in your own bed this time. I yelled through the door.

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