Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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I'm loving this concept. I hope you all enjoy it too. Lil bit of smut too ;)

Betty POV:

I woke up bright and early on a Saturday morning as I went to visit my boyfriend in prison.

For the past 4 years and 9 months my life has been crazy to say the least.

Sweet Pea killed a man, he told me it was out of self-defence so I believe him.

He has one more month left in prison, as long as he doesn't get himself into anymore trouble.

God, I think I would kill him myself if he doesn't come out in a month.

My life has been so hard and unfulfilling without him.

He's my life and for nearly five years I've only been able to talk to him face to face for half an hour a week. We get to call each other twice a week for only about twenty minutes.

I miss him, his body.

All these years I've stayed faithful to him. There's no other man I want nor need other than Sweet Pea.

I also wasn't going to have sex with some random behind his back.

After an hour long drive I finally arrived at the prison where other prisoners families were waiting to get signed in.

It took about half an hour until I was finally let through.

I walked into the visitation room and saw Sweet Pea sitting back in one of the chairs.

Betty: Pea. I said with a smile. He turned to me and smiled.

He stood up and we embraced each other in the tightest hug. Whenever I'm in his arms it's like a piece of my sanity is restored.

Guard: Connor. The guard called out, warning us to let go of each other.
Sweet Pea: bitch. He muttered for only me to hear. I smiled as we took a seat.

I instantly connected our hands over the table.

Betty: I've missed you so much. I said even though I saw him a week ago.
Sweet Pea: I've missed you too baby. He said softly.

I watched as he scanned my body with a smirk. I'm guessing he likes the tight dress that I'm wearing.

He leaned forward over the table and I followed his actions.

Sweet Pea: if there were not guards here, I'd bend you over this table and take you right here. He said. I felt myself bite my lip.

Not having sex for nearly five years really makes you horny.

I mean I've done stuff by myself but it's nothing compared to the real thing.

Betty: I want you inside of me so badly. I whispered back.
Sweet Pea: fuck Betty. Do you know how turned on you're getting me? He groaned out in a whisper.
Betty: just as much as I want you. I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: the first thing I'm doing when I get out is fucking you. He said making me laugh.
Betty: who said I'd let you? I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: I might actually die from blue balls if when I get out we don't have sex for a straight 24 hours. He said making me laugh.

I looked into his eyes and ran my thumb over his.

Betty: I love you. I said.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He said with a soft smile.

We talked for the rest of the twenty minutes about what's going on in my life and he told me some crazy stories that had gone down since the last time I was here.

When I heard the guard call out that visitations were over, I wanted to cling onto Sweet Pea and never let go.

Sweet Pea and I embraced each other in a final hug, once again being yelled at by the guard for hugging to long.

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