Betty x Fp ( father daughter development )

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I hope you all enjoy ❤️
Nearly forgot to post again, love that.

Betty POV:

It was a beautiful Saturday morning as I got out of bed at about 11 and took a quick and refreshing shower.

I changed into a flowy dress and walked downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

I made myself some toast and smothered it with Nutella. The amount of Nutella I eat in a week is concerning.

I sat in the lounge as I watched some tv and waited for my dad to get up, not that he'd spend any time with me.

My dad, Fp, leader of the Serpents barely spends anytime with me anymore. He's so consumed with the Serpents that he's basically forgotten about me. I miss my dad.

I heard him soon get up and just as he was about to say good morning to me his phone rang. No doubt about it, it would be one of the Serpents taking my dad away from me again. I should be use to it by now but I'm not. It upsets me every time he leaves me to go to the Wyrm.

It feels like he loves them more then me sometimes.

I was right like usual and it was Tall Boy, telling him to go to the Wyrm.

Fp: I'll see you later Princess. He said as he kissed my head and walked out.
Betty: bye. I muttered.

It's like this everyday. I hate that he leaves me.

As I was sitting on the couch, pitying myself I got a text from my boyfriend, Archie Andrews asking if I wanted to go out to lunch with him and his dad. I agreed as it put a smile on my face.

I couldn't help but smile. Fred has been so welcoming and excepting of me as soon as I entered his son's life. He's an amazing dad and mentor.

Archie and I began messaging each other as we messed around and talked about the most weirdest and craziest of topics.

Before I knew it, it was getting close for when I had to leave the house.

I walked up to my room and found a dark blue, casual dress.

I picked up my phone and car keys and headed to Pops.

I soon arrived and saw Archie and Fred sitting opposite each other at a booth.

I walked up to the boys and they smiled. I placed a kiss on Fred's cheek and I placed a kiss on Archie's lips.

We sat down and instantly started talking. I was cuddled into Archie's side as I rested my head on his shoulder. Every now and then I'd see Archie turn his head so he'd be facing me, and he'd just admire me for a few seconds before he returned back to the conversation.

We had been there for about an hour when Archie's face suddenly changed into a shocked type of look. I gave him a confused look until he pointed to what he was looking at.

When I looked into that direction my eyes widened and a small formed on my face.

Betty: mum? I said. She turned to face me and a smile instantly plastered on her face.
Gladys: baby! She said excitedly.

I removed myself from Archie's loving embrace as I ran up to my mum. Embracing her in the biggest and tightest hug.

Gladys: it's so good to see you my baby girl. I've missed your beautiful face. She said as she placed many little kisses all over my head.
Betty: I missed you so much too. I said as I leaned out of the embrace and looked to the man next to her.

I had talked to him a few times, his name is Jason and he's mum boyfriend. He's always been sweet to me so I'm happy that she has a guy in her life.

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