Betty x Malachi

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Don't kill me! I stan them in the Wattpad world.

Betty POV:

My idiot boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now just broke up with me. Apparently I'm getting to close with his guy friends.

Sweet Pea introduced me to his friends a couple months ago and as a girlfriend, I thought he'd like me to be friends with them. I guess not.

I was sitting at home when I got a call from my fuck buddy, Malachi.

While Sweet Pea and I were dating we ended it. I had respect for Sweet Pea, although it's clear to me that he never had any for me.

When I saw Malachi's name spread across my phone, a smile formed on my face.

I've always had a small thing for him.

His hair is soft and curly. His voice is heavenly. His hands that travel up and down my body lovingly. Each kiss he places on my body is sweet and delicate. He worships my body with every part of his.

I do have a feeling that Malachi might like me. He's the only guy I've ever been with that really cares about me and my body. He listens to me when no other person would.

I need him.

I picked up my phone and answered his call.

( Betty and Malachi on the phone )

Betty: hey Kai. What's up? I asked.
Malachi: hey Betts, I heard you and that guy broke up, you okay? A small smile formed on my face.

Of course he knew to check up on me.

Betty: I'm fine, but do you know what could make me better? I asked seductively.
Malachi: what would that be Princessa? He asked in an equally seductive voice.
Betty: me and you, in your apartment now. I growled in the phone.
Malachi: I'll be waiting. He said and ended the call.

( end of call )

I got into my car and went to the Ghoulies lair since his apartment is above their bar.

Today is the day I just go for it and tell him I want him. I want to be his Princessa, not his Princessa fuck buddy.

I want him to claim me. I want people to know I'm his.

I want him to love me like he does now. I want us to be out in public and he wraps his arm around my waist. I want him to look into my eyes and kiss me like every time is the last.

I want to take care of him when he's sick. I want to be apart of his life. I want to meet his family, meet his friends.

I want everything with him.

I arrived at the lair and walked upstairs to his apartment.

I knocked on his door and within a couple seconds he opened the door. His hair was perfectly messy and his eyes were a beautiful dark brown chocolatey colour.

He greeted me with a soft kiss to my lips.

Betty: can we talk for a second Kai? I asked. He nodded his head and placed a kiss on my temple.

Okay I'm really dumb, he's kissing my temple, of course he likes me. I should never have gotten with that asshole Sweet Pea.

Malachi lead me to his couch and I sat on his lap. He raised his hand to my inner thigh and rubbed slow and soothing circles on it.

Betty: Kai, I really like you. I said. He gave a confused but happy look.
Malachi: I like you so damn much Princessa. He said with a smile.

His lips met with mine in a hungry and love filled kiss.

Malachi: I want you as mine. He growled against my lips.
Betty: take me Kai, I want to be yours. I said as my hand traveled down to his huge bulge.

My hand palmed at his cock through his pants. Low growls escaped from him.

I disconnected our lips and moved to the floor so I was kneeling on my knees. I unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers.

His large 9 inch cock sprung out immediately. I cupped his balls and wrapped my mouth around his thick cock.

We were laying on his bed as we both breathed heavily. I layed on his hard, muscular chest and played with his brown curls as he played with my blond waves.

Malachi: you're gorgeous. He said while placing a kiss on my shoulder. I smiled.
Betty: I wish I got with you earlier. I said slightly disappointedly in myself while placing a kiss on his lips.
Malachi: we're together now baby. He said softly.

We soon got up and we both put our clothes back on.

Malachi: I'm hungry. He said as he put on his shirt.
Betty: same, let's get some food? I asked. He nodded his head.

We walked down to his bike and he handed me a helmet. I wrapped my arms around his torso and we speed off to Pops.

We arrived at Pops and we ordered our food. I went to pay but Malachi quickly swiped his card before I even had a chance.

We took a seat next to each other and I gave him a pout.

Malachi: baby girl, don't pout. He said while kissing the corner of my lips. A small smile formed on my lips.

I could never be mad at him.

Betty: let me pay for once. I said to him.

We've been out a couple times after we've had sex, just to grab some food. He's never let me pay.

Malachi: why would I ever let you pay? You're mine and I'll always treat you like the Princessa you are. He said as he placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

I ship them in my own brain, not in Riverdale 😂.
But can we talk about how hot Malachi actually is 🤤

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