Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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They're really popular on my instagram and I like doing them. So here's your fav 3 way relationship.

Betty POV:

Jughead called me and asked if I wanted to chill with him at the Wyrm.

I obviously said yes and began looking through my wardrobe for something a little more presentable than the pyjamas I was currently in.

I found a nice dark blue dress and quickly put that on.

I walked into my bathroom and looked in my mirror. I took my hair out of a very unattractive messy bun and brushed my hair, leaving it out.

I sprayed a little bit of perfume against my neck and palms as I walked back into my room and picked up what I needed.

I walked out to my car, suddenly feeling the cold breeze hit my shoulder.

I had already locked my doors and couldn't be bothered too open them up again. I was going to be inside majority of the night anyway.

I arrived at the Wyrm and quickly walked inside, wanting to escape the cold evening air.

I walked into the bar and found Jughead waiting by our usual spot.

Once we had said hello and embraced each other in hugs, he told me he wanted to show me something.

He lead me up some stairs and done a hall in which I had never seen before.

Betty: where are we going Jug? I asked confusedly. He looked back at me with a smirk but didn't say anything.

He lead me up to some door and opened it, quickly pushing me in.

Jughead: have fun on your date kids. He yelled through the door.

I turned around in confession, then noticed to guys also out here.

Betty: what's going on? I asked.
Sweet Pea: no idea. He laughed.
Fangs: I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Fangs and that's Sweet Pea. He said with a warm smile.
Betty: I'm Betty. Are you guys friends with Jug? I asked.
Sweet Pea: unfortunately. He said making me giggle.
Betty: and this is supposed to be a date? I asked confusedly.

Why would he set me up on a date with two guys?

Sweet Pea: yeah, I guess. He shrugged.
Betty: I don't get it. I said. They looked to each other with a smile.
Fangs: Sweet Pea and I are in a relationship, but we're also into Polyamory. He said.
Betty: oh. I said as I began to realize what was going on.
Sweet Pea: let me guess, we've scared you off. He said.
Betty: no, just surprised and also cold. I said making them both laugh.
Sweet Pea: here. He said sweetly as he wrapped his jacket over my shoulders.
Betty: thank you. I smiled.
Fangs: we've really got to get off this roff. He said.
Sweet Pea: who'll help us though? If we tell Toni she'll laugh. Joaquin won't even answer his phone. He said.
Betty: Jellybean, I think I saw her. I'll call her. I said.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. She thankfully picked up.

( Jellybean and Betty on the phone )

Jb: hey Betty, what's up? She asked.
Betty: please tell me you're at the Wyrm right now. I said.
Jb: yeah, I'm out that back with hotdog since dad won't let me take him home. Asshole. She muttered the last part. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: Jb I really need your help. Jughead locked me up on the ruff.
Jb: sounds like him, I'll be up in a second.
Betty: thank you so much. I said.
Jb: no problem, since I'm the better Jones and all. She said making me laugh.

( end of call )

The three of us waited eagerly by the door. Within 2 minutes we saw the door open.

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