Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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( 1 month later )

Betty POV:

I haven't seen or heard from Sweet Pea in a month and I feel like I've gotten over him, although I could be wrong after today.

South Side High was closed down yesterday and they're all transferring over to my school. The absolute last thing I wanted.

All the Bulldogs and River Vixens had heard about my break up with Sweet Pea and everything that went down. They definitely aren't big fans of the Serpents.

I got up this morning and applied some makeup and changed out of my pyjamas.

I put on a white shirt and a pair of stripped brown and white shorts. I tucked the shirt into my shorts and smiled at how I looked.

I then went into my bathroom and put my hair into two braids. I then sprayed some perfume and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Betty: morning JJ. I sad as I kissed his cheek and made myself a bowl of cereal.
Jason: morning Betts. He said as he sat down and began eating his toast.

I finished making my cereal and sat opposite my brother.

Jason: you going to be okay today? He asked with a hint of worry on his face.
Betty: I'll be fine. I said.
Jason: remember if you need anything, talk to me okay? He said and I nodded my head.
Betty: how do you think today is going to go? I asked, changing the topic up a little.
Jason: horrible. He said making me laugh.

We finished our breakfast and began getting ready for school.

I stole Jason's football jacket and put it on. He looked at me and shook his head playfully.

We got into his car and too quickly arrived at school.

Jason and I linked arms as we walked up the stairs to the entrance of school.

Jason: everything is going to be okay. He said softly as we walked inside school.

As we walked through, all we saw and heard were North Sider's and South Sider's yelling at each other.

Betty: it's going to be a long day JJ. I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Jason: tell me about it. He said with a small chuckle.

We walked through the South Sider's until we finally saw our River Vixens and Bulldogs.

Jason went to his team as I went to mine.

Betty: what's going? I asked my girls.
Veronica: these snakes came in here acting like they own the place. She said with disgust.
Toni: call us snakes one more time. I dare you. I turned around and saw Toni.

When Sweet Pea and I broke up, I thought that was the last time I'd have to deal with her.

Toni: well well well, who do we have here, a slut who- She began.

This girl really loves to call me a slut, especially for someone I've spent no longer then five minutes with.

I looked to Sweet Pea who was standing next to her, he honestly looked quiet depressed.

Midge: you better watch your mouth pinky. She said as she stood in front of me.

This is going to go very badly. The River Vixens always stand up for each other and I know the girls won't fail to protect me.

Toni: what are you bimbos going to do? She said as she gestured to all the Vixens.
Betty: that was a big mistake. I said with a smirk as Midge and Veronica instantly began attacking Toni.

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