Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It was 6:30 am as I sat in an old hospital chair, beside my six year old daughter Anna.

Last night she had been complaining of a headache, I gave her some medicine and put her to bed.

At about 11:30 pm, she ran into my room crying, telling me how much her head hurt.

I knew there was something wrong so I rushed her to the hospital.

She had a fever well above normal so they attached an iv into her and injected her with some medicines to relieve her pain and temperature.

I hadn't gotten much sleep, I was too worried that something would happen.

I heard some footsteps coming from behind me and I assumed it was a nurse, coming to check in on her.

I turned my head and saw that it was Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: hey. He whispered as he handed me a take away cup with hot chocolate.
Betty: hey. I whispered back.

Sweet Pea and I are both FBI agents, we work for the government.

He's my partner, and in real life, he's my boyfriend too.

Anna is the child of me and my ex husband, Jughead Jones.

I have full custody of her and everything had settled until a few weeks ago. He's trying to take away my house.

A house in which I have had before him and I ever met.

He's just trying to make my life and Anna's a mess. He's mad at me for reporting him for abusing me.

The first time he hit me and kicked me, I said that it was a one off.

The second time he did it, I took Anna somewhere safe and I immediately went to the police station.

There's no way on earth that I was going to let that monster touch my baby.

Through work, they got me a really good lawyer who hasn't lost a case in over 17 years.

Jughead ended up in jail for a year and I got rewarded full custody.

I was pissed that it was only a year, but at least he got that.

Jughead got out of prison about three months ago and he's back at it.

Sweet Pea: what happened? He asked as he took a seat on the chair next to mine.
Betty: I don't really know. She came into my room crying at close to 12 because she had a bad headache. We took her here and she had a really high temperature. They gave her some medicine and apparently she's supposed to feel better when she wakes up. The doctor said this happens to a lot of kids her age. It's a one off. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: how much sleep have you gotten? He asked.
Betty: since we got here, half an hour at best. I said.
Sweet Pea: come here. He said softly.

I took both of our cups and put them to the side. I sat in his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped me up in his arms and placed a kiss on my head.

Sweet Pea: go to sleep Betts, I'm here okay. I nodded my head and closed my eyes.

As soon as my eyelids shut, I was asleep.

Sweet Pea POV:

I had gotten a call early this morning from our boss. She told me that we were off our case for the next week.

I was obviously very confused, but she told me that Betty had to look after Anna and that she was in hospital.

I immediately rushed over here. I knew Betty would need some support.

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