Betty x ( her past )

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Don't kill me 😂😂

Betty POV:

My name is Betty Cooper and my story is a crazy one, but let's start from where I am now.

My two sons, husband and I just moved from California to Riverdale, where I was raised. I use the term 'raised' loosely.

Betty: ready to go Max? I yelled out to my 17 year old as I put my coat on.
Max: coming mum. He yelled out. He came into the lounge and sat on the couch as he put his shoes on.

I walked up to my husband Joe and placed a loving and soft kiss on his lips.

Joe: good luck with the interview. He said with a smile.
Betty: thank you love. I said with a smile.

I moved to the far corner of the room and said bye to my baby boy, James. He turns one in four months.

Joe is James' biological son, unlike Max. Max's dad is my ex boyfriend's who left me when he found out I was pregnant. We were 17. We were both young and scared but he left me, ignored me. Well he did speak to me once, telling me to have an abortion. I could never have done that.

We finally got out of our new house and into the car.

Max and I were going to grab some lunch at Pops, I've missed that place so much. I also had a job interview today with my old high school Principal.

When I fell pregnant in my second last year of high school, I had to leave and ended up doing online schooling.

Having Max at that ripe age of 17 made my life hell, but I wouldn't change it because I have the most amazing boy.

Straight after lunch, that's when my interview would start. Max said he wanted to explore the place so while I'm hopefully aceing my interview, he'll be out doing that. Joe already got a job here since he had such good recommendation from his past employer. He's a mechanic.

We arrived at Pops and Max held the door for me. He's such a gentleman. I gave him a smile and a thank you.

We walked up to Pop and when he saw me, he had a shocked but happy expression on his face.

Pop: you've grown up so much. He said with a happy smile.

We caught up for a little bit as I introduced my son to him.

Pop: can I get you your usual? He asked with his usual bright smile.
Betty: make that two. He nodded his head with a smile.

Max and I took a seat next to each other.

Betty: I love you so much. I said as I kissed his head. He smiled.
Max: I love you to mum. He said with his beautiful smile.

Our food soon arrived. We ate and chatted as I told him about the things me and my friends did as a kid. I even told him about the Serpents.

Max: see I can't believe you were apart of a gang. You're way to nice. He said making me laugh.
Betty: you see the tattoo I have on my wrist? I asked him and he nodded his head.
Betty: that's the Serpents symbol. One of the two things that show you're in the gang.
Max: how do you even get in the gang? He asked.
Betty: well since I was a girl I had to do a pole dance. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
Max: mum! He whisper yelled at me, sounding almost angry.
Betty: don't give me that tone. I said while raising an eyebrow. He gave me a sorry look.
Max: sorry, but ew. He said making me laugh.

It started getting close to the time of my interview so Max headed off so he could explore around.

My interview was done and I was extremely confident. He said he would call me tomorrow if I had the job.

I texted Max telling him to come back so we could go home.

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