Betty x Sweet Pea

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Yes, I know I keep doing a lot of hospital story's but I've been obsessed with Chicago med. like I found small clips on YouTube and I can't stop watching it.

Betty POV:

Jane: come with me Betty. She said as I walked out of my patients room.
Betty: why? I still need to tend to my patients. I said confusedly.
Jane: I have someone covering that for now. But you've got bigger problems. Dr. Rhodes brought in his lawyer, they're trying to get Polly out of the 72 hour psych hold that you put her in. She said.
Betty: what! He can't do that. I said angrily.

Polly Cooper is my sister, she's also dating one of my coworkers, doctor Matt Rhodes. God knows how they met.

Polly has had bad ptsd since we were young.

At the age of ten, she saw as our brother Tommy, 12, fell from the second floor balcony. Unfortunately he landed head first and died instantly on the spot.

I was out at a friends house when this happened.

Since that day, she had changed. Not that I could blame her.

Her ptsd was never acknowledged by my parents so she never got the proper help that she needed. Now she's gone crazy. She's a danger to herself.

Dr. Rhodes believes that he's going to be able to cure her. He thinks that she doesn't need any medication and that she'll be alright if he fixes her, not me.

Jane: I've got to tell you Betty, the odds of you winning aren't good. Polly already has the upper hand and Dr. Rhodes will use that to his advantage. She said.

Yesterday I was at Polly and Dr. Rhodes house. It was her and I alone.

She began telling me that she was hearing noises, noises that weren't there. She pressed her ear to every wall, telling me how loud this imaginary sound was.

She then all of a sudden ran to the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I was terrified.

I'm pregnant and also have PCOS. Meaning it's extremely hard for my husband and I to have a baby.

It took us 5 years of trying to get to this point. My world would be shattered if anything happened.

I instantly ran to the bathroom and locked myself in.

I called the ambulance and they instantly came, putting her in restraints and taking her to my hospital.

When I got there, my coworker and friend Jughead checked her out.

She was very non compliant so we had to keep her in the restraints. In that moment, I decided to move her up to the psych unit.

I knew I could only keep her there for 72 hours, but it was better than leaving her with Dr. Rhodes.

I walked into the conference room and saw Dr. Rhodes and his lawyer. He was giving me a stern look.

How I wanted to kill him right now.

I took a seat opposite the two of them and Jane, Mrs Goodwin, sat next to me.

Lawyer: I'm getting straight to the point. Do you have any legal rights to have put her in the 72 hour psych hold? She asked.
Betty: no, but anyone with eyes could see that she's mentally unstable and not safe to be left alone. She's a danger to herself. I told her.
Lawyer: I don't want to waste your time or my clients. Seeming that you have no legal reason to keep her here. She'll be leaving immediately. She said as herself and Dr. Rhodes left.

Betty: I can't believe him. I said angrily.
Jane: I know Betty, but unfortunately there's nothing that you can do. She said as she rubbed my shoulder.

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