Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Tania: I can't believe you're letting that devil into the house. Sweet Pea's mum spoke.
Sweet Pea: he's my brother, I love him. He laughed at his mothers anger.
Tania: he shouldn't come anywhere near my grandchild. She said.

I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant.

Sweet Pea: Jughead isn't going to hurt Betty or our unborn child. He said as he raised an eyebrow.

Sweet Pea's parents are Fp and Tania. After Sweet Pea was born, they got a divorce and a year later, Fp was in New York with a baby on the way, Jughead Jones.

Sweet Pea took his mother's maiden name, Connor. Fp and Sweet Pea never had a good relationship.

And it's safe to say that Tania despises everything to do with Fp, besides Sweet Pea who she loves more than life.

Betty: I'm personally excited to meet him. I smiled. Sweet Pea smiled down at me and kissed my temple.
Tania: that's just pregnancy brain. She said making Sweet Pea and I laugh.
Sweet Pea: he's going to be here in an hour, so I suggest you leave. He said.
Tania: woah, kicking out your mother. She said as she shook her head.
Sweet Pea: I'm just trying to make sure that when our child is born, you're not in jail. He commented.
Tania: I'll be lucky to be alive by next year with the amount of stress you cause me. She said. I let out a giggle.
Tania: my perfect child. She said as she caressed my cheek.
Tania: make sure he looks after you and my grandchild, or I'll kill him. She said.
Betty: you don't need to worry, he's perfect. I smiled.

We said our goodbyes and she soon left.

Jughead is only going to be in town for a week. He's taking a mini trip here to Riverdale before he goes to backpack around Europe with friends.

Sweet Pea and I moved over to the couch and he sat me in his lap as he rested his hand on my stomach.

Sweet Pea: I can't believe our baby is inside of you. He said with the biggest and giddiest smile.
Betty: our baby is already perfect. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: takes after his mummy. He said.
Betty: and his daddy. I said.

We both looked into enjoy others eyes, smiles covering our faces.

Sweet Pea: you and our baby are my pride and joy baby girl, never forget that. He said as he kissed my shoulder.

I smiled and moved myself so that I was resting my head on his shoulder.

He ran his hand up and down my side until we heard a knock on the door.

Sweet Pea and I live in an apartment above the Wyrm.

We plan on living here until I'm 7 months pregnant. We'll then move everything into our new house.

There's just so much going on in our lives right now and we simply don't have the time.

Sweet Pea put me down beside him and stood up.

He walked to the door, a big smile instantly forming on his face as he opened the door.

The men embraced each other in a hug and warm welcomes before Sweet Pea introduced jughead and I.

Sweet Pea: Jughead, this is Betty. Betty, my brother. He smiled.
Jughead: nice to meet such a stunning lady. He smirked.
Sweet Pea: my wife, my pregnant wife. He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
Jughead: that's not a problem. He joked. I let out a small chuckle.
Betty: it's nice to meet you Jughead. I smiled.

We all took a seat as Sweet Pea and Jughead began catching up with each other. I stayed quiet majority of the time, I liked seeing Sweet Pea this happy.

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