Betty x Sweet Pea

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I'm being completely honest. This makes no sense so please don't have high expectations.

Betty POV:

I woke up and got out of bed. It's a Sunday morning which means I get to chill with my boyfriend Sweet Pea.

He lives with me and my two dads Fp and Hal. He lived in a trailer by himself and I was not going to have it.

I begged my dads to let him move in and they agreed. But we had to have rules. One being that he can only sleep in my bed three times a week. I felt that that was stupid, but at least he got to live with me.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I saw Sweet Pea already up and making himself some breakfast too.

Betty: morning. I said as I pulled out a bowl and spoon.
Sweet Pea: morning babe. He said.
Betty: can you pass the milk? I asked.
Sweet Pea: I need to use it. He said.
Betty: well I need to use it. I fought back.
Sweet Pea: okay fine. Have fun trying to reach it. He said as he put it on top of the fridge.

I let out a groan. I can't reach that.

Betty: you realise you don't have milk either, take it down. I said.
Sweet Pea: I love dry cereal. He said as he took a spoonful of straight cereal.
Sweet Pea: crunchy and delicious. He said with his mouth full of food.
Betty: you animal. I yelled at him.
Fp: what are you two arguing about this time? He laughed.
Betty: he's being a bitch and not giving me the milk. I said as I pointed to the top of the fridge.

My two dad's let out a laugh.

Hal: here. He said with a chuckle as he handed me the milk.
Betty: see, this is a real man. I said to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: sorry you're short. He said.
Hal: you guys act like brother and sister. He said as he shook his head.
Betty: if he was my brother I think I would have killed him by now. I said.
Sweet Pea: I would have killed you first. He said.
Betty: no, I would. I said.
Fp: maybe let's not talk about killing each other? He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: I don't even know why he lives here. I said.
Hal: because you begged us for a month straight and threatened to run away if we didn't. He said.
Betty: oh yeah. I said as I poured some milk into Sweet Pea's cereal.

I could see him suffering with just plain cereal.

Sweet Pea: thank you. He mumbled.
Betty: pardon Sweet Pea? I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: Nope. He said. I rolled my eyes as I hit his shoulder.
Betty: why do I love you? I asked.
Sweet Pea: well- He started.
Hal: finish that sentence and I will kick you out. He said as he made breakfast for himself and Fp.
Sweet Pea: I was going to say because I'm such a gentleman. He said with a dirty smirk.

Both my dads shook their heads.

We soon finished up breakfast and we were in my room watching TikTok.

One trend came up where girls ask their boyfriends if they'd still love them if they were a worm.

I turned off my phone and looked to my baby boy.

Betty: would you still love me if I was a worm? I asked him. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Sweet Pea: no. My jaw dropped.
Betty: what? I asked.
Sweet Pea: okay firstly that would be beastiality and I'm not trying to go to jail. And also, how would we have sex when my dick is probably 100x the size of your whole body. I looked at him and let out a cry.
Betty: you wouldn't love me. I said as I layed on my side, not wanting to see him.
Sweet Pea: baby. He tried calming me down.
Betty: you don't love me. If you can't love me at my worst why are we even together? I cried.
Sweet Pea: baby I'd still love you if you were a worm, please stop crying. He said as he picked me up and placed me in his lap.
Betty: do you mean that? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: yes, I promise. I would always have you in my pocket. I'd take you to school with me, I'd feed you, I'd make sure to keep you warm. He said.
Betty: thank you. I said as I rested my head in his neck.
Sweet Pea: what is my life? He sighed.
Betty: you chose an emotional person. I said as I wiped my face from the tears that had fallen.
Sweet Pea: I chose a girl I love. He said as he kissed my temple.
Betty: love me forever? I asked. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: I've loved you since we were four and that's never going to change.

How I feel rn 🤡
Like wtf?
What was the reason?

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