Betty x Sweet Pea

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I really can't be stuffed editing this, but here I go. Enjoy.

Betty POV:

I was sitting at Sweet Pea's kitchen table as he made breakfast for myself, Josh his son, and himself.

Sweet Pea had a child when he was 20. He was careless he tells me.

I met him last year, I was 27 and he was 28.

He had broken up with the baby mama, Veronica, when Josh was 6.

Stuff went down and she skipped town. He doesn't really like to talk about it.

Things between Sweet Pea and I are in a bad sort of place, our problem is that Josh absolutely hates me.

He wants his mum back, so therefor I'm just someone standing in the way of that.

It's horrible. Every time I try talking to him, he ignores me. Every time we have to be alone, he causes so much trouble for me. It's like he's trying to show Sweet Pea that I'm incompetent and should leave.

I can't take this anymore.

Everything he does is slowly starting to turn Sweet Pea and I against each other.

Sweet Pea and I have no future at this point. We've tried for a year to get him to like me, we've made absolutely no progress.

Betty: we're not working out anymore Sweet Pea. I said as I looked up to him.
Sweet Pea: just give him time. He said.
Betty: he's had time and he's made it very clear that he doesn't want me anywhere near him. I think we need to accept it. I said.
Sweet Pea: so you want to break up? He said frustratedly.
Betty: It's what we have to do. I said.

As I said that, Josh walked into the kitchen and took a seat on the furthest chair from me.

Josh: morning dad. He smiled up at Sweet Pea.
Betty: bye Sweet Pea. I said as I stood up and picked up my bag.

I don't live here and still have my own apartment, so at least I have somewhere to go.

I got into my car and headed to work.

I work at a hospital in the trauma and general area.

I arrived at work and walked into the locker rooms, that's where I saw my brother Jughead clocking out.

He's a trauma surgeon.

Betty: you look dead. I smirked as I put my bag in my locker.
Jughead: there was a shooting a few towns over. I've been in surgery for more hours then I can count. He chuckled tiredly.
Betty: are you going to be okay to drive home? I asked him.
Jughead: of course, talk later? He said as he had got all his stuff.
Betty: yep, stay safe. I said as I punched his shoulder lightly. He left with a smirk.

I finished getting ready and the work began instantly. There's never a dull moment here.

I was up in the trauma unit as I did my routine check up on my patient Harold Smith.

He's a 86 year old male who was in a critical car crash caused by a 18 year old drunk driver.

Betty: how are you feeling Harold? I asked as I walked into his room.
Harold: I feel okay doc. He smiled.

He had the sweetest smile.

Betty: where's your wife? I smiled as I wrote down some notes on my iPad.
Harold: she just went home to freshen up and bring me some of her home made sweets. He smiled.

Their relationship is so beautiful and loving. That's what I want.

As I was checking his blood pressure, I felt my pager go off.

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