Sweet Pea x Fangs

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Short, but I fuck with this.

Sweet Pea POV:

Fangs and I were laying in bed as we listened to the rain hitting the roof hard, and lighting rumbling loudly.

This is when we'd usually hear the sound of my sons feet running along the floorboards and jumping into bed with us.

Fangs and I are both 19.

I got my ex girlfriend pregnant when we were fifteen. I was stupid, dumb and reckless, but out of it I got the most amazing son.

Fangs: I'm surprised he hasn't ran in here yet. He said suspiciously.

Fangs loves Mason and has accepted him with welcome arms.

At first it took a little to get to a place where we all felt comfortable, but everything has worked out for us.

Sweet Pea: I think we should check on him. I said and Fangs nodded his head.

We both got up out of bed and walked through the hallway to his room.

I turned on his light and he wasn't there. Fangs checked the bathroom and I checked under his bed.

Fangs: not there. Maybe Bettys room? He said.

Betty is my sister, she's 16.

We walked to Betty's room and slowly opened the door.

She had a small little lamp light on in which I could see Mason cuddling into Betty's chest.

I smiled as I looked to Fangs.

Fangs: we should have guessed that he'd start coming in her room. He smirked. I nodded my head with a chuckle.

We walked back into our room and went to sleep.


We woke up the next morning at 10:02 am.

We both got changed out of our pj's and headed into the kitchen.

Mason: look what I made! Look what I made! He yelled as soon as we walked into the kitchen.

He took both of our hands and lead us to the kitchen table.

There was a plate filled with pancakes.

Fangs: you did this all by yourself? He asked.
Mason: Betty helped a little I guess. He said.

I held back my smirk. More like Betty did it all and he ate on a pancake whilst she made it.

Betty: I sat back and relaxed. She said making Fangs and I smirk.
Mason: come on! Try it. He whined.
Sweet Pea: give us a second bud. I said as we all took a seat.

Mason jumped into my lap as we all put some pancakes on our plates.

We all tried it and they were great.

Betty: you did so well Mas! She smiled. He smiled proudly at himself.
Mason: do you like them daddies? He asked.

He calls Fangs dad, it's the most adorable thing in the world.

Sweet Pea: it tastes amazing, I think we have a chef on our hands. I smiled.
Fangs: the best pancakes I've ever eaten. He said.

As Mason told us how talented he is at cooking, I admired the beautiful family in front of my eyes.

These are the only people I need.

I really like this 👉👈🥺

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