Betty x Malachi

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Betty POV:

We had just came back from one of the Ghoulies funerals. He was Malachi's best friend.

He's taking the death extremely hard. He's starting to scare me.

Betty: Malachi please calm down. Just sit. I said to him.
Malachi: no, this has been going on for too long. He said as he walked into our room.
Betty: what has? I asked as he pulled out his gun, checking if it was loaded.
Malachi: the Serpents. He said as he walked out of our room and into the lounge.
Malachi: they've always been taking what is ours, killing my men. I'm putting a stop to it. He said as he walked to the door.

I quickly rushed up to him and stood in front of the door, not letting him leave.

He's not thinking straight and he's going to get himself killed.

Betty: you need to think rationally here. One of you against hundreds of them is only going to get you killed. I reasoned with him.
Malachi: move. He said sternly. I stood my ground.
Betty: no. I'm not letting you be the next one six feet under. I said.
Malachi: I'm only going to say this one more time Elizabeth, move out of my fucking way. He said.
Betty: no.

As the words left my mouth he pushed me harshly against the door and held the gun to my chin.

I looked to my boyfriend in fear. What the hell is he thinking?

Betty: let go of me. I whispered as a tear left my eye.
Chloe: Kai Kai what are you doing? I heard the innocent voice of his 5 year old sister say.

Malachi realised what he had done and instantly created some room between us.

I was frozen, scared.

Chloe ran up to me and hugged my legs, obviously knowing that something really bad had gone on between Malachi and I.

I picked her up and held her on my side.

Betty: I need some air. I said as I shakily opened the door.
Malachi: Bet- He started, only making another tear fall down my face.
Betty: please don't speak to me. I said as I walked out with Chloe.

I walked downstairs and passed all the men and women who were smoking, dancing, making out and drinking.

I walked out the front of the bar and sat on a rock, Chloe in my lap.

Chloe: Kai Kai was being very mean to you. She said. I just nodded my head, knowing if I spoke that I'd cry.
Chloe: boop. She said as she tapped my nose. I couldn't help but smile a little.

That's something I've always done with her when she's upset. She always erupts into the most cutest giggles and forgets why she was originally upset.

Chloe: he doesn't deserve any boops. She said as she crossed her arms.

Chloe and I get along really well. I love this sweet angel so much.

Chloe and I stayed in a peaceful silence as she played with one of my rings.

I soon heard the bar door open. I looked to the door and saw Sweet Pea. He's one of my closest Ghoulie friends.

He walked over to me as he lit a cigarette.

Sweet Pea: how come you're out here? He asked as he blew out a puff of smoke.
Betty: Chlobear, can you go find and stay with Toni? I asked.
Chloe: but I wanna stay with you. She said with a pout.
Betty: Chloe please. I said with a soft smile.
Chloe: fine. She said with a disappointed sigh.
Betty: boop. I smirked as I tapped her nose. She looked up to me with a giggle as she wrapped her arms around me.
Chloe: I love you. She said as she looked up to me with her cute little green eyes.
Betty: I love you too. I smiled as she ran off back into the bar.

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