Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I was laying in bed text to my wife as I couldn't stop thinking about how happy she made me.

My life before her was nothing special, nothing even worth talking about. It was just myself in a tiny trailer alone.

When I met her, all I wanted to do was be close to her and be the guy she deserves.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much beautiful. I said out loud.
Sweet Pea: I remember the first day I saw you. Your hair was in a high ponytail. You were sitting next to Veronica as you told her to stop talking about how much she likes Archie. I remember the first time I walked past you in the halls. I was heading to sport and you were going to history since I managed to take a quick glimpse at your textbook. I remember the first time we talked, I felt like I couldn't breath. We were partners in a science experiment. We started only talking about what to do, but then we started getting to know each other. At that moment I began to have a crush on you. So from then, every time we spoke made butterflies crush violently into my stomach. I remember that night we were hanging out at my place and we were watching a scary movie. There was a jump scare and you jumped into my lap, you wouldn't let go until the next morning. I had to carry you to my bed. I said with a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: I just love you so much Betty, I really do. I said to her.

She had the biggest blush on her face and I could practically feel the heat radiating off of her face.

Betty: Sweet Pea baby, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. You are my everything and I don't know what I'd do without you, because without you I would never be happy. You're my happiness, life, light and most importantly love. I love you so much Sweet Pea Connor.
Sweet Pea: I love you too, Betty Connor. God you sound so hot with our last name. I said as I pulled her petite body onto mine.

She placed soft kisses all over my face. I let her do what she pleased as I embraced every kiss those beautiful lips placed on me.

Betty: I love you more then what those words could ever describe. She said.
Sweet Pea: I'll never be able to describe my love for you baby girl.

Really short but I feel bad for not updating. I've just been really busy

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