Betty x Sweet Pea Part 3

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This is longer than I originally planned 😂

Betty POV:

Joaquin: We get that you and Sweet Pea are best friends and all, but stop defending him over absolutely everything- He started until Kevin cut him off.
Kevin: Joaquin, that's enough. He said.
Betty: don't worry Kev, this is clearly how they're all feeling. Fuck this, I have done nothing but try and keep the peace as well as support you all. I'm done. I said, feeling unwelcomed amongst my now ex friends.

I stormed into the corridors of the school and knew that I only had one friend to talk to, Jughead Jones.

I found my way to the Blue and Gold and stormed in. I flopped onto the couch and looked up to Jughead who was sitting at his desk, writing an article.

Jughead: welcome to Jughead's sex domain, what service will I be helping with or providing you today? I have a large range of services that I would be willing to demonstrate on you for the low price of a meal at Pops. He said.
Betty: So I'd have to pay for you to get enjoyment? I asked.
Jughead: fine, for you it's free. He said making me just burst into laughter.

I really needed that right now.

Jughead: I'm going to take that laughter as a very enthusiastic yes. He said and I chuckled.
Betty: defiently not. I laughed.
Jughead: you can't say that I didn't try. Anyway, what's up? He asked as he closed his laptop and walked over to me, taking a seat beside myself.
Betty: the fact that you're my only friend at the moment because all my old friends are being assholes. I said angrily. He raised an eyebrow, telling me to go on.

I began telling him a simplified version of how my ex friends turned into the way they are.

Jughead: so you and Sweet Pea aren't even friends? I shook my head no.
Jughead: never saw that coming. He said in shock.
Betty: so now you're my best friend. I said.
Jughead: what do I get out of this? He smirked.
Betty: we'll see. I smirked back, his jaw dropped.
Jughead: so there's actually a chance of us fuc- He began as the bell cut him off.

All I did was give him a smirk and walk out of the room. He followed behind me as I walked to my locker.

When I arrived at my locker, his jaw was still dropped. I let out a chuckle as I raised my hand to his chin and pushed it up.

Betty: calm down Jug, I'm not promising anything. I smirked.
Jughead: still, there's at least a 1% chance we could fuck. I'm willing to take the odds. I let out a laugh.

We walked to his locker and then to class. I had the class with Jughead thank god, but I also had it with all my ex friends.

Jughead and I took a seat at the back and I watched as they all trickled in. Fangs, Kevin, Toni and Joaquin all sat with each other as Sweet Pea sat with one of his other friends.

Betty: I really don't want to be here. I whispered to Jughead.
Jughead: we could always sneak out now and have sex in the bathroom. He suggested. I let out a chuckle.

The lesson soon began and we had one of those really strict teachers so the whole class was dead silent.


(a month later)

It's been a month since my friendship with them all had ended. I hangout with Jughead and his friends now. They're much nicer and not assholes.

I was currently chilling at home, Sweet Pea was out like usual.

He spends all his time with Sarah, not that I'm complaining. It means I get to see his cocky face less.

Fp: Betty, do you want to help me fix up a bike? He asked and I nodded my head.

One of my hobbies is working on cars and bikes. I find it fun getting dirty and hands on with things.

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