Betty x Jughead

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Betty POV:

I was sitting with Jellybean in her room as we watched a movie.

Sweet Pea: can you turn that down? I'm going to bed. Her older brother spoke.

Jellybean rolled her eyes but did as he requested.

I watched as Sweet Pea walked off.

He really is quite attractive. I know he's my best friends brother but still, I can't help it. Jellybean unfortunately knows about my crush as well.

There's only a year difference between Sweet Pea and I, so it wouldn't be that bad if we got together.

Jellybean: stop looking at my brother like you want to fuck him. She groaned out.
Betty: but what if I want to? I winked. She pretended to throw up, making me laugh.
Jellybean: if you two ever got together, it would ruin my life. She said.
Betty: JB you're being dramatic. Plus, he doesn't even like me. I shrugged.
Jellybean: me, dramatic? Never. She said and I let out a string of laughs.

We finished off the movie and decided to head to bed.

We both got into her bed and said goodnight, letting sleep take over us both.


It's another evening and I'm spending it at the Jones' house.

I live alone in a trailer and Fp has really welcomed me to stay here.

Jellybean and I were sitting in the lounge talking about school. Fp was watching the game and Sweet Pea had just walked out of his room.

He looked semi formal and I believe he was heading out to a bar tonight with some friends. He's going to come home wasted, I know it.

Sweet Pea said a quick goodbye to all of us and he headed out.

Jellybean smirked as soon as he left, Fp let out a laugh due to her actions.

Jellybean and I went back to talking and eating junk food until it got late. Late as in we stayed up til 1 am.

We watched the rest of the newest Shane Dawson series. We both love him so much.

We soon feel asleep and let our eyes rest.


I woke up at 3:11 am and let out a groan.

Why did I have to wake up?

I got up out of Jellybeans bed and decided to get a glass of water.

In my oversized shirt and short booty shorts, I walked into the kitchen and made myself a glass of water.

I had only had a few sips when I heard a loud knock at the door.

I have a suspicion that it would be Sweet Pea.

I put my glass into the sink and walked to the door. I slowly opened it and saw Jughead holding up a very drunk Sweet Pea.

Jughead: think you'll be able to get him to bed, or even the floor at this point. He said making me laugh.
Betty: I'll be fine. I chuckled.

Jughead passed Sweet Pea over to me and soon left.

Betty: come on Sweet Pea, lets get you to bed. I said.
Sweet Pea: only if you stay with me. He said with a smirk.
Betty: don't say stuff you don't mean. I said.

I wish he meant what he said, but he doesn't.

He's never shown interest in me in the past, so why would he now?

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