Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was sitting on the couch as I scrolled through Instagram, when I heard Polly walking downstairs with the twins.

Polly, the twins and I live together.

Our dad passed away when we were younger and when our mum found out that Polly was pregnant at 16, she left us.

She was a very strict and controlling person so as soon as she heard about Polly's situation, she lost the plot.

Polly and I have been living on our own for a little over a year now, the twins are about four months old. It was extremely hard in the beginning. We didn't know what we were doing.

We're two teenagers looking after two babies. Not to mention that the twins father is a drop beat dad.

When he found out the news, he told her to have an abortion, something my sister would never do.

So they broke up and it was just a pregnant Polly, me and Sweet Pea by her side.

Sweet Pea is my boyfriend of three years.

We were a high school love story that many people didn't think we'd survive.

Luckily enough for us, we had enough money to support ourselves while Alice was off god knows where.

Life has been far from easy and it still isn't.

I have anxiety and my sister has anxiety and depression.

She goes to therapy every Friday, so it's usually Sweet Pea and I babysitting which we don't mind.

Polly walked into the lounge and placed the twins on their play mat.

Betty: good morning. I smiled at her.

I stood up and moved over to the twins, saying good morning and making over exaggerated movements to keep their attention.

Polly: good morning, have you had breakfast? She asked and I nodded my head.

As I watched and played with the twins, Polly made herself some breakfast and took a seat on the couch.

Polly: could you watch the twins for an hour or so today at 9 am? She asked and I nodded my head.
Betty: why? I asked as Juniper wrapped his tiny little hand around my finger.
Polly: I booked an extra therapy session. She said as she began to look down at her food.
Betty: how come? I asked calmly.
Polly: Jeremy messaged me, he was asking how I was- she started but I instantly cut her off.

Jeremy is the twins father.

Betty: please tell me that you immediately blocked him. I said.
Polly: Betty of course, but it's just brought up some of the worst feeling moments of my life. She said as tears formed in her eyes.
Betty: Polly. I whispered.

I gently unwrapped his hand from around my finger and stood up, walking to my sister who has been through so much over the past year.

I took a seat next to her and embraced her in a tight hug.

Betty: you've been such an amazing mother to these twins without him, you don't need his ugly face in your life. I said making a small giggle escape her lips.
Polly: thank you. She said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

We stayed in that position for a few moments, watching the twins playing.

Polly: I should probably get ready for the appointment. She said and I nodded my head.

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