Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy x
Also, I love the Wattpad community so much. I was kinda scared to post Fp and Hal, thinking people would be like... wtf? But all you guys seem to like it. I might do some more of them in the future.

Sweet Pea POV:

I stood in a suit and tie at my old high school gym.

This is our 10 year high school reunion. I personally didn't want to come here, but my wife, Betty Cooper, thought it would be fun.

I would rather be at home with her and our daughter Alia in my arms.

Alia is seven years old. She is the most beautiful and precious girl, besides Betty, to ever have existed.

She's so upbeat, playful and kind, everything I could ever want in a child. I love her with all my life.

I was standing next to one of my old friends Archie Andrews.

But to be fair, I cut all of these people off after I left high school. I never liked any of their personalities and simply was only friends with them to pass the time.

In high school Betty was my priority and I spent most of my time with her.

Archie: you and Betty still together? He asked. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: yeah, we also have a kid together. I smiled.

How could I not smile when talking about my family?

Archie: that sucks dude. But you could so bang Veronica tonight. He said.

You have got to be kidding me?

Archie Andrews is a washed up footballer who really never even started his career, just like all the other sport players at this school.

Sweet Pea: I love my family. I said to him. He let out a chuckle.
Archie: I love my wife Valerie as well, but if Veronica threw herself at me I'd gladly give her what she wants. He said with a disgusting wink.

I would feel bad for Valerie, but through Betty, I found out she cheats on him as well.

The drama and information my wife finds out is amazing.

Archie: just do it dude, Betty will never find out. He said.
Sweet Pea: let me think about it while I get another drink. I said to him and he nodded his head proudly.

I walked straight over to Betty and pulled her aside.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight to my body.

I rested my hand on the arch of her back where there was a small amount of skin showing.

Her body was warm and shivered by my touch.

Betty: how's your night bubba, are you enjoying it? She smiled.
Sweet Pea: I hate it, wanna go home. To many dumb people. I said, making her laugh.

Out of the lot, it's safe to say that Betty and I are doing better than the rest of them.

We have a family and two stable jobs.

The rest don't have a significant other and rely on money given to them by the government. And if I'm honest, if it wasn't for Betty I may have turned out like them.

Betty: it can't be that bad. She chuckled.
Sweet Pea: I've just spent the last ten minutes listening to Archie, trying to convince me to cheat on you. I said mortifiedly. She raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: pineapple. I said.

I know, that seems like a random thing to say during a conversation, but it makes sense to us.

Ever since Betty and I were in high school, we came up with a little code word system.

If we were ever somewhere that we didn't want to be, we'd say pineapple and leave immediately.

Betty nodded her head and I unwrapped my arms from around her.

She connected our hand and led me outside. I was so glad to be leaving this hell and everyone in it behind.

Sweet Pea: I wouldn't ever cheat on you. I told her.

I knew that she knew I wouldn't cheat on her, but I just wanted to say it again. I don't want her ever thinking that she can't trust me.

Betty: I know. She smiled as she kissed my cheek.

We got into my car and I began driving.

Sweet Pea: did you eat anything tonight? I asked her.

We weren't really there for long and I was starving.

Betty: not really, Pops? She asked. I nodded my head.

Betty POV:

We ordered our food and ate on the way home, we were way too fancy to be eating inside.

We soon arrived home and threw the rubbish in the bin.

I walked inside and saw Sweet Pea's mum watching tv.

She was babysitting for us. She's honestly such an amazing grandmother.

Susan: you both are home early. How was it? She asked as she placed a kiss on my cheek and then her sons.
Sweet Pea: absolutely shit. He said making me laugh.

We talked with Susan for a little longer when we all called it a night and she headed home.

Before we went to bed, we walked into Alias room and each gave her a kiss.

She requests that no matter what, every night we must kiss her while she's asleep or before she goes to bed.

Sweet Pea: sleep tight Princess. He whispered as we stepped out of her room.

I walked into the bathroom and began washing my face, getting rid of my makeup as Sweet Pea changed into a pair of sweatpants.

I soon finished up in the bathroom and walked into my room.

Sweet Pea came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder.

He always likes to be close to me, especially if he can wrap his arms around me.

Betty: I love you sweet man. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: I love you too baby girl. He said as he kissed my neck.

He soon unwrapped himself from me as his hands went to my back, unzipping my dress.

It fell to the floor, leaving me in only my panties.

Sweet Pea: wanna create another kid? He asked in awe as he looked at my body. I blushed as I put on one of his shirts.
Betty: you idiot. I laughed in a joking manner.

He suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried us to bed.

He put us under the blankets and I instantly cuddled up into the man who has made me so happy.

Everyone should be able to have a love like ours.

Betty: good night. I said as I kissed his lips and snuggled my head into his neck.

He held me tight as he placed multiple kisses on my head.

Sweet Pea: good night my love. He said as he rested his head above mine.

My cute lil babies

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