Malachi x Betty

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I've had this idea for a while, so here you go!

Third person POV:

Betty had been trying to act normal all day, although Malachi, her loving and adoring boyfriend could see right through her.

All throughout the day, he noticed how she talked less than usual and was often lost in her own thoughts.

He wasn't the only person who noticed it, her close friends Archie and Veronica did too. They asked her if she was okay, every time just nodding her head and going back into her daze.

Malachi sat there worried, wondering if he had done anything to upset her.

He was her queen, figuratively and non figuratively.

She's the beautiful girl that captured the tough Ghoulies heart.

As soon as his eyes landed on her beautiful eyes and heard her soothing voice, he was sold. He instantly wanted to make her his, and that's what he did.

It reached the end of the day and Betty and Malachi were walking home together. Malachi doesn't have any family and due to Betty's crazy one, she moved in with him.

They walked in silence, hand in hand as they walked along the footpath.

Malachi: you look so beautiful baby. He said as he admired her and broke the silence.
Betty: thank you. She said with a small blush.
Malachi: you're so cute. He said with the biggest smile.
Betty: Kai stop! She yelled playfully at him as she hid her blushing face in his neck.

He smiled to himself, knowing that she was okay. Maybe she was just having an off day today.

Betty POV:

Malachi and I arrived home and he went to the lair which was just next door, to finish off a couple things before I had him all to myself for the night.

I've been anxious all day because, well, sex.

Malachi is the biggest sweetheart, but there's a one year age difference between me and him. He's 17 and I'm 16.

Everyone the age of Malachi is having sex and I know he's ready to do it. Me on the other hand, I'm extremely nervous and not ready not to do it. But I want to make him happy.

I had been sitting at home for about 3 hours when I heard the door open. I turned my head and saw my beautiful boyfriend walk in. He saw me and a smile instantly grew on his face. I love the way he does that.

Malachi: hey Princessa, I missed you so much. He said as he picked me up and sat me in his lap.
Betty: I missed you too. I said as I leaned in and smashed my lips onto his.

We always have heated make out sessions and stop before anything else happens. We'll usually end up cuddling and watching something on tv.

We were getting close to when we'd usually stop so I rested my hand on his chest and slowly dragged it down so I got closer to his dick, although he suddenly pulled away.

Malachi: baby, what are you doing? He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
Betty: I thought you wanted this? I asked him confusedly.
Malachi: yeah I do, but you're not ready and I don't want to do this until you are. I don't want you to do something just because I want it. Okay? He said.

In that moment I decided that I actually wanted to go all the way.

Seeing how much he cares about me, it makes my heart skip a beat. Just knowing that he doesn't care about waiting for me, it really puts it into perspective how much he really does think of me and does put me first.

Betty: Malachi I want to go all the way with you, tonight. I said as I caressed his cheek.
Malachi: Betty, what did I just say? He said softly. I smiled.
Betty: Kai you're the sweetest and most handsome guy I've ever met, being with you makes me happy and comfortable. I want to do this Kai, I love you. I said as I looked into his eyes.
Malachi: I love you too. Promise me you're ready? He asked and I nodded my head.
Betty: just, can we please go slow? I asked him.
Malachi: of course. If at any point you want to stop, please tell me. He said. I nodded my head.

We both layed breathlessly on our bed, trying to suck in as much air as we could.

For my first time it was amazing. He was slow and sweet.

When he first entered me, I felt small tears well up in my eyes. He noticed and asked if I wanted to stop. I quickly shook my head no. He nodded his head and told me to focus on the feeling of his lips.

He attached his lips to mine and I did as he said. His lips distracted me until I got use to the size of him and him being inside of me.

Betty: that was amazing. I said as I layed on my side and rested my hand on his bare chest. He smiled and kissed my head.
Malachi: I love you baby girl. He said with such happiness and love in his eyes.
Betty: I love you too Malachi, so much. I said as he pulled me onto his chest softly.

Betty: cuddles? I asked with a smile. He let out a soft laugh.
Malachi: I wouldn't want it any other way. He said with a smile as he kissed my head.

I smiled and closed my eyes, falling asleep on his chest.

I am so sorry that I haven't posted a one shot in over a week. I've just been busy and when I'm not, I'm writing my other book 'Am I Even Living?'
I hope you enjoyed this!

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