Betty x Sweet Pea x Malachi x Jughead // (siblings)

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Sweet Pea is 10, Jughead is 9, Malachi is 8 and Betty is 6. (Also, at the end of the chapter can you guys tell me if you actually like when I do them really young? Or if you prefer them as teenagers. Just so I know what to post)

Betty POV:

I woke up at 5 am and ran into my brother Sweet Pea's room.

I jumped onto his bed and got under the covers with him.

I always sleep in his bed when I wake up early.

Sweet Pea: morning monkey. He mumbled as he tucked me in, making sure I wouldn't get cold.

I was in my monkey onesie.

Betty: morning Pea. I whispered.

We both closed our eyes again and fell back asleep until 8:26 am.

Betty: I'm hungry. I groaned out.
Sweet Pea: do you want me to make us some breakfast? He asked and I nodded my head.

He stood up but I didn't. I wanted him to carry me.

Sweet Pea: you going to walk? He asked as he raised an eyebrow. I shook my head no.
Sweet Pea: let me guess, you want me to carry you? A smirk instantly formed on my face as I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: okay. He smiled.

I stood up on his bed and jumped into his arms.

He let out a chuckle as he quickly caught me and wrapped his arms around me.

He carried me into the kitchen and placed me on the bench next to the grill.

He went into the fridge and took out three slices of bread. Two for him and one for me.

He picked up the lighter and turned the grill on, placing the three pieces of bread inside.

Sweet Pea: do you want Nutella on your toast? He asked me and I nodded my head.
Betty: yes please. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay, I'm going to get it from the cupboard. Promise me you won't touch anywhere near the grill? He asked and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: good. He smiled.

He walked to the other end of the kitchen and opened up the pantry cupboard.

He pulled out the jar of Nutella and then went to the fridge and pulled out butter and jam.

Jam is yucky.

He put everything next to me on the sink and pulled out two plates and two knives.

He checked on the toast and flipped them over.

The toast was soon done and he put Nutella on mine and butter and jam on his two.

He put both of our plates on the kitchen table and then helped me down and put me in my chair.

He took a seat next to me and we began eating.

I was about half way done with my food when dad walked into the kitchen and gave both of us an unimpressed look.

Fp: what have I told you about using the lighter? He said sternly to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: she was hungry. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Fp: then you wake me up, what if she hurt herself? He said.
Sweet Pea: unlike you I trust my sister and know if I tell her not to do something, she'll listen to me. He said angrily.
Betty: daddy leave Pea alone. I said as I crossed my arms. Dad let out a sigh.
Fp: just finish your breakfast. He said to the both of us.

Sweet Pea and I contuined eating and the boys soon joined us.

Betty: morning Juggie morning Kai Kai. I smiled.
Jughead: morning Betts. He smiled as he ruffled up my hair.
Malachi: morning baby sis. He smiled as he ruffled my hair. I let out a loud groan.

They do this every morning. They're so mean to me. Big meanies.

We soon all left the table and I went into my room to play with my toys.

I was playing with my dolls when Malachi came in.

He stole it out of my hands and ran off.

Betty: Malachi! I yelled out.

I began chasing him around the house until he stopped in front of dad's room. Dad was in the shower so he couldn't help me.

Betty: Malachi give her back. I cried.
Malachi: come and get it. He said as he held the toy above my head.
Betty: Malachi stop. I yelled as tears ran down my face.
Malachi: come on Betty. He smirked.

I stormed off and went into Sweet Pea's room. He would never treat me like this.

He was facing away from the door, playing video games on his tv so he didn't notice me walk in.

Betty: Sweet Pea. I sniffled.

He heard me and turned around with a smile on his face. It instantly dropped when he saw how upset I was.

Sweet Pea: Betts what's happened? He asked as he came up to me and wrapped me into a hug.
Betty: M-Malachi stole my d-doll. I sobbed into his chest.
Sweet Pea: hey, calm down okay? Just take a deep breath in. He said and I took a deep, shakey breath in.
Sweet Pea: come on, let's go get it okay? He asked and I nodded my head.

I wiped my eyes and held Sweet Pea's hand.

We walked into Malachi's room and he instantly knew he had lost when he saw Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: seriously Malachi? Don't be mean to her. He said as he rolled his eyes.

I jumped onto his bed and stole my doll from out of his hand.

I looked to Malachi and stuck my tongue out at him.

I walked back to Sweet Pea and connected my hand with his.

Betty: can you play dolls with me? I asked him with a pout. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: yeah, just give me a second to turn off my tv. He said and I nodded my head.

I ran into my room and pulled out all my other dolls.

He soon came back and I told him what to do and where to sit.

Sweet Pea and I's dolls had been having a tea party when Malachi walked in.

Betty: what do you want! I said as I crossed my arms.
Malachi: I want to apologise for earlier. I'm really sorry Betts. He said guilty.
Betty: it's okay, a cuddle will make it all better. I smiled. He smiled too as he walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms.
Betty: all forgiven. I smiled.
Betty: do you want to play with us? I asked him excitedly.
Malachi: yeah, why don't I find Jug and we can all play? He asked and I nodded my head even more excitedly.

The boys let out a laugh as Malachi quickly found Jughead and brought him to my room.

The four of us were all playing tea parties with my dolls. They only rarely play with me and my dolls so I was having the best time ever.

Fp: you kids all being nice? Dad asked as he leaned against my door frame. We all nodded our heads.
Fp: good. He smirked as he walked off.

My brothers playing dolls with me, best day ever.

I hope you enjoy x

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