Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I woke up Sunday morning as my four year old daughter jumped onto my bed, jumping all over me so she could wake me up.

Daphne: daddy! Daddy! Wake up. She said loudly as she jumped on my chest.

I woke up and wrapped her up in my arms, placing kisses all over her. She squirmed in my grip.

Sweet Pea: good morning Princess. I said with a smile as I held her close to me.
Daphne: morning daddy. She said with the biggest smile as she began to cuddle into my arms.

She is my everything, even if everything is a little unconventional.

When I was 19 I had a one night stand with a random girl from a bar. I was stupid and drunk.

We went back to my house and had unprotected sex, leading to Daphne.

I love her with all of my heart. She's my beautiful little princess who I wouldn't trade nothing for. She's perfect.

I'm a single parent who looks after her full time, although my best friend helps me out a lot, I wouldn't be able to do it without her. Betty and Daphne are the most amazing girls in my life.

Sweet Pea: do you wanna stay in bed with me for a little longer? I asked her.

I was sleep deprived and needed more sleep, even if it was a minute. Anything counts at this point.

She nodded her head and layed down with me and she talked about her favorite things. I dosed off for about 5 minutes until she began jumping on me again.

Daphne: daddy I'm hungry. She said.
Sweet Pea: would you like breakfast now? I asked and she nodded her head.

I picked up her small body in my arms and she wrapped her tiny legs around me as much as possible.

I walked into the kitchen and put her into her chair.

Sweet Pea: Cereal or toast? I asked her.
Daphne: Cereal. She hummed happily.

I got the cereal out of the pantry and poured her a bowl. I placed it in front of her with a cup of apple juice. She gave me a sweet thank you as she began to eat her food.

I made myself some toast and sat down as I watched my little pumpkin eat. She's adorable.

Sweet Pea: what do you want to do today? I asked as we both finished our breakfast.

I picked her up once again and took her to her room so I could help her change.

Daphne: can we see Aunty Betty today? She asked with a big smile.

Ever since Daphne was born, she had always taken an extreme liking to Betty. Daphne always wants to spend time with her and Betty loves being around her, it's a win win situation.

I remember when I told Betty I had a child. She instantly said that she's the Aunty no ifs no buts. Gosh I love her so much, in a friend way and well, not a friend way.

She's the most amazing person in this world.

Sweet Pea: sure. As soon as I get dressed we can go. I said.

As soon as the words left my mouth she began rushing me to get ready. I'm pretty sure Daphne is a mini version of Betty. They're both impatient, always get their way, bossy, beautiful, sweet, did I mention bossy?

I finished getting changed and we headed to the Wyrm where I knew she'd be.

I put Daphne in the back seat and I got in the drivers seat. I drove down to the Wyrm as Daphne told me how excited she was to see Betty again, even though we saw her yesterday.

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