Betty x Sweet Pea x Malachi x Jughead // ( siblings )

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Requested by: floralemi

Betty POV:

Betty: give it to me. I said as I stood opposite my three brothers. They looked at each other and let out a laugh.

I looked to dad who was sitting on the armchair.

They were hogging the remote like that usually did. They had had the tv to themselves the whole day. It's my turn now.

Sweet Pea: we don't think so little sis. He said with a smirk, making my two other brothers snicker.

Sweet Pea, Jughead and Malachi are usually really nice to me but when it comes to watching tv, they're assholes.

Betty: dad! I said angrily as I looked at him for help.
Fp: I'm not getting involved. He said with a chuckle. I groaned.
Betty: you love them more than me. I said as I crossed my arms.
Jughead: Betty he loves you the most. He said with a chuckle.
Malachi: true. He added.
Betty: how? I asked.
Sweet Pea: well he hasn't had to bail you out of jail. I don't think he'll ever forgive us. He said. I smirked. 
Fp: I love you idiots all equally, unfortunately. He said with a sigh.
Betty: but me a little more, right? I asked. He smiled.
Fp: of course Princess. He said making me turn and smirk at the boys. They rolled their eyes.

Betty: now give me the remote. I said as I held out my hand.
Malachi: cute. He said with a smirk. I let out another groan.

I knew the perfect way to get the remote. My brothers are typical boys which I'll use to my advantage.

Betty: is that a hot girl? I said as I pointed to the tv.

Their eyes darted towards the tv instantly. I smirked as I ripped the remote from Jughead's hand and began running away.

Jughead: Hey! I heard him yell.

I began running through the kitchen as I heard the sound of my brothers following after me.

Malachi: give it back now. He yelled as they chased me out of the kitchen and into the lounge.

As I ran past dad, I saw the disappointed look on his face.

I'm not proud to admit this, but it isn't the first time the boys have chased me around the house for the remote.

I ran up the stairs and hid in the bathroom. I quickly jumped into the empty laundry hamper as I listened to the boys search everywhere for me.

I stiffened when I heard the bathroom door open, I looked through the small gaps off the laundry hamper and I saw Malachi looking for me.

Luckily he only took a quick glance around the whole room and then walked out.

I had been in there for about five minutes when I heard everything quiet down.

I crept out of the bathroom and into open space.

I heard the sound of my bedroom door open, revealing all three of them. They smirked as I began running.

I was trying to run to the stairs but I tripped over one of the boys shoes. The three of them jumped on top of me, pinning me down.

Jughead and Malachi quickly got the remote and ran downstairs.

Sweet Pea stayed with me. He's always been the most caring one. I mean they're all so sweet to me but Sweet Pea has the biggest soft spot for me.

Out of the four of us, Sweet Pea and I are closer in age, I think that's why we get on so well.

Sweet Pea stood up and held out a hand for me to take. I gratefully excepted his hand and he began pulling me up until I let out a cry.

He instantly let go of my hand and leaned down.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong? He asked worriedly.
Betty: my ankle. I said as tears left my eyes.
Sweet Pea: hey don't cry, I'm here. He said softly as he wiped away my tears.
Sweet Pea: can I pick you up? He asked softly. I nodded my head.

He carefully picked me up bridal style and slowly walked down the stairs with me in his arms.

My brothers and dad turned their heads to us.

Fp: what happened? He asked as he stood up and came over to Sweet Pea and I.
Sweet Pea: she hurt her ankle. He said. I could instantly see guilt on my brothers faces.
Fp: can I touch it? He asked, trying to analyze the situation. I nodded my head.

He carefully touched my ankle and I let out another cry. His touch was light but my ankle hurt really badly.

Fp: come on, we need to take you to the hospital.

Dad made Malachi and Jughead stay home as Sweet Pea, dad and I got into the car.

Sweet Pea sat in the back with me as he held my hand because he knew I was scared.

We soon arrived at the hospital and Sweet Pea carried me into the waiting room. He sat me down and wrapped an arm around me.

Sweet Pea: it's okay. He said softly, calming me down a little.

After an hour of waiting, one of the doctors came out with a wheelchair. They told me they went to take an x-ray of my ankle.

I looked sacredly to dad and Sweet Pea but they both gave me encouraging looks.

I gave in and let them do what they had to do.

The x-ray determined that I had sprained my ankle. They wrapped my ankle in bandage and gave me crutches to use for a month.

Dad signed some paperwork and we headed home.

Once we arrived home and the boys saw that I was in crutches, they instantly gave me looks of complete sorrow.

Malachi: Betty we are so sorry, we never meant for that to happen. He said with so much guilt. I smiled at the two of them.
Betty: I'm pretty sure it happened when I tripped over, it's none of your faults. I said honestly. They nodded their heads even though I could tell that they still felt bad.

For the rest of the night, the boys became my slaves. Whenever I wanted something, they would get it for me.

It started to get late and we were all tired, dad was already in bed.

Betty: Sweet Pea can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to go up the stairs. I asked him.

My room and dad's room are upstairs while the boys are downstairs.

Sweet Pea: of course. He said softly.

Sweet Pea helped me into his room and then went upstairs and got my pyjamas for me.

He left me in his room alone as I got changed and he got changed in the bathroom.

Once I was done I told him he could come back in.

We both got into his bed and turned off the lamps next to us.

Sweet Pea: are you comfortable? He asked.
Betty: yeah, thank you Pea for looking at me today. I said as I kissed his cheek. He smiled softly at me.
Sweet Pea: of course. I'll always look after you. Anyway, you need to rest. Good night Betts. He said with a yawn. 
Betty: night Sweets. I whispered.

I haven't done a sibling one in forever.
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