Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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Someone requested this but I can't remember for the life of me who. Or maybe I subconsciously wanted to make this..? 😂

Sweet Pea POV:

I sat on the couch next to my boyfriend as we waited for our beautiful girl to come home from work.

She's a writer while Fangs and I are both mechanics.

Fangs' arm was wrapped around me as we watched some boring show on tv.

Fangs, Betty and I are all in a relationship.

If you told me 2 years ago that I would be in a three way relationship, I would have laughed and told you that you were completely insane. But here I am, happier than I ever though possible.

Fangs: what are you thinking about? He asked as he rested his head on my shoulder and looked up at me.
Sweet Pea: the night we met Betty. I said with a smirk.
Fangs: how did she even agree to date us? He said making us both laugh.
Sweet Pea: I have no idea, but I'm so damn happy. I said and he smiled.
Fangs: so am I. He said softly.


Fangs and I had been best friends since we started school. Once we finished, we started developing feelings for each other which we acted on.

We had been together for about 2 and a half years when we moved in together.

Everything was perfect, but both of us felt that there was something missing in our relationship.

We made the decision to try out a third person in our relationship.

We sat down with each other and tried to list out a broad idea of what we wanted.

We honestly weren't picky and decided that we wanted a girl. The only requirement she had to met was that she loved both of us equally.

We headed out to a bar as we decided that's where we had the most chances of meeting someone.

We spent three hours there, we met multiple women but either one of us didn't like her, or once we actually picked someone we both liked, she'd favour one of us over the other.

We were starting to give up hope on the idea of finding the perfect girl until Fangs decided we'd try one more time for the night.

We looked around the bar and I spotted a pretty little blonde ordering a drink on the other side of the bar.

Sweet Pea: what about the blonde? I asked Fangs. His eyes landed on her and he instantly nodded his head.

We walked over to her and started a conversation. She was blushing a lot and had the most beautiful giggle.

Fangs and I were definitely head over heels for her.

That night we exchanged numbers and texted each other every spare chance we got.

We had been texting for about a week when Fangs and I asked her out on a date.

Being friends with her was great, but we wanted her as ours. We wanted to look after and protect her.

We wanted to see this girl when we woke up and when we went to sleep. And most of all, we wanted to make her happy.

Fangs and I planned a picnic date in our back yard. We set up a bunch of lights and hung them over the fence and veranda.

We placed blankets and pillows all over the grass, trying to make everything perfect for such a perfect girl.

We finished setting everything up and we heard the doorbell ring. We both took a deep breath in as we opened the door.

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