Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I parked in the driveway of my house and stopped the engine. Last night I spent the night at one of my best friends houses, Veronica Lodge.

It was a great night and I was able to be away from my controlling mother.

My mother Alice, she will be the death of me. But that's a whole other story.

As I stepped out of my car I saw my bags on the front lawn. What the hell?

I stormed to the door and tried unlocking it with my key. It wouldn't budge.

She changed the locks while I was out. I can't believe this.

Betty: what the fuck. I yelled as I banged on the door.
Alice: leave before I call the cops. She yelled from inside the house.
Betty: you're seriously kicking me out? No wonder dad left, he couldn't keep up with all your bullshit. I yelled at the top of my lungs as I kicked the door.

I picked up my bags from the wet grass and put them into my car.

I sat in the drivers seat and let out a sigh.

Stupid bitch.

I pulled out my phone and called my brother Jughead. He moved to New York a few years ago with his girlfriend Amy.

Jughead is 26 and owns a house in Riverdale. I was hoping I could stay there.

(Betty and Jughead on the phone)

Jughead: what's up Betts? He asked happily into the phone.
Betty: mum. I groaned.
Jughead: what's she done this time? He asked.
Betty: shes kicked me out of the house and changed the locks. I said.
Jughead: oh you've got to be kidding me. He said angrily.
Betty: I know. I was wondering if I could stay at your house? I asked him.
Jughead: of course Betts. Do you still have the spare key? He asked.
Betty: yeah. I told him.
Jughead: okay go there now and get settled in. Do you want me to come down? He asked.
Betty: no, stay in New York. I know you're busy. I said.
Jughead: I'm never too busy to look after my sister. He said making me smile.
Betty: I love you Juggie. I said.
Jughead: I love you too Betts.
Betty: I'll call you later. I said.
Jughead: okay bye Betts, stay safe. He said.
Betty: you too.

(end of call)

I put my keys in the engine and I drove to my brothers house, it was thankfully only 20 minutes away so I arrived quickly.

I unlocked the door and walked inside.

I put my bags in the room I usually sleep in when I'm here.

I flopped onto my bed and let out a sigh.

How can each day just get worse and worse? How could a mother leave her daughter homeless?

I needed to stop thinking about Alice. The more I do, the more I get worked up and make myself angry for the rest of the day.


It was just past 5 pm when I got a text from my boyfriend Sweet Pea. He's from the South Side and he's a Serpent.

It read 'I got into another fight. Clean me up? 🥺❤️'. He gets into fights pretty often and I always insist that I clean him up.

He's my baby boy who I love taking care of.

'I can't tonight bubba, sorry'. I texted back.

I didn't really want to speak to anyone right now, and I didn't want to explain to him what's going on.

I turned off my phone completely and waited in the lounge for my pizza to arrive.

It had been about ten minutes when I heard a knock on the door, thank god, I was starving

I opened the door and to my surprise it was Sweet Pea.

He doesn't have a clue where my brothers house is. I have no idea how he found me.

Sweet Pea: thank god you're alive. He said with relief as he embraced me in the tightest hug.
Betty: why wouldn't I be? I questioned him.
Sweet Pea: I saw that you were in a location I've never seen before so I assumed the worst and that someone kidnapped you. He breathed into my shoulder. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: how did you know I was here? I asked as I closed the door behind him.
Sweet Pea: find my friends. He said quietly. I smiled.

We both took a seat on the couch and he pulled me into his lap, cuddling me into his chest.

Sweet Pea: where exactly are we? He asked.
Betty: my brothers house. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: how come you're here? He asked.
Betty: it's been a long day. I sighed.

He held me tighter as I told him about my mum kicking me out and changing the locks.

As I finished telling him everything, the doorbell rung.

I payed for the pizza and sat back down on the couch.

Sweet Pea: how come you didn't tell me earlier? He asked.
Betty: because I know what you'd say to me. Move in with you. I said.

As much as I'd love to live with Sweet Pea, our relationship is only a year old and I don't want to push it.

Living with your significant other is a big step, a step that makes or breaks couples.

Sweet Pea: exactly, and what's wrong with that? He said.
Betty: I don't want to rush our relationship. What if moving in together causes us to grow apart? What if we realise we hate each other? I said all hypothetically.
Sweet Pea: or why don't we come to an arrangement. Something like you move in with me, but if we ever need to spend the night or day to ourselves, you can come back here. He said.

It was a good idea.

Betty: and we promise that we'll never be mad at each other if either one of us need space? I asked. He nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: so you'll move in with me? He asked with such happiness in his eyes.
Betty: yes baby. I smiled as I embraced him in a tight hug.

He smothered me in kisses as I embraced every ounce of his love.

Once we had both calmed down from such exciting news, I analysed my lovers bloody and bruised face.

Betty: did you clean yourself up? I asked. He nodded his head.
Betty: want me to fix it up bubba? I asked him. He nodded his head with his sweet eyes.

I smiled as I got up and grabbed the first aid kit out of the bathroom.

I cleaned his face and patched my baby up.

Betty: all better. I smiled as I kissed his temple.
Sweet Pea: thank you. He said with a blush.

I put everything away and we ate pizza together.

We layed on the couch and I looked up to face him.

Betty: you need to shave. I said.
Sweet Pea: why? I wanna grow a beard. He said and my jaw dropped.
Betty: I'll actually move out if you do. I said.
Sweet Pea: you haven't even moved in. He chuckled.
Betty: exactly. I smirked. He rolled his eyes playfully as he kissed my head.
Sweet Pea: I'm excited for our future. He smiled as he rested his head on my chest.
Betty: so am I.

Ugh, I fucking love them

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