Betty x Sweet Pea

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* terrible smut warning*

Betty POV:

I was making my way to the Wyrm to meet up with my boyfriend Jughead. I felt like I needed to break up with him. Don't get me wrong, he is one of the most sweetest, kindest and loving guys, but I feel as if we're better off as friends.

I made my way to the Wyrm and I quickly scoped out the place, trying to find Jughead. With no success I looked for Toni or Fangs. I've become friends with them, unlike Sweet Pea who is a complete asshole to me. He's never liked me and I had no idea why.

I scanned the room for either of them and unfortunately they weren't here. I only managed to find Sweet Pea. I swallowed my pride and walked up to him.

Betty: uh hey Sweet Pea, have you seen Jughead? I asked him confidently. He turned his head and rolled his eyes.
Sweet Pea: no. He said with annoyance in his voice. I rolled my eyes and decided I needed to talk to him.
Betty: lets talk outside. I say while turning around, not waiting for a response.

I walked outside and leaned my back against the brick wall. He thankfully followed and hovered over me. He was only two steps away from me. He's never been this close to me and I've never noticed how attractive he is.

Betty: Sweet Pea what is your problem with me? I asked him angrily. He took a step closer to me.
Sweet Pea: do you really want to know Princess? He asked gruffly. I nod my head and bit my lip.

I was taken back when he said Princess. The way it rolled off his tongue sounded soft and sweet.

Sweet Pea: it's because I want you. Jughead doesn't deserve you. He can't love you the way I can Princess. He says while getting as close to me as possible and caressing the side of my cheek with a little bit of force, nothing that would hurt me though.

Sweet Pea: I want you to be mine. I want to treat you like the Princess you are. He growls while looking down at me.
Betty: Sweet Pea, I never knew you felt this way about me. I say in shock. He lets out a chuckle.

Although I never knew he liked me I'm glad he does, I think I like him too.

Sweet Pea: that was the point baby. He says while looking into my eyes.

I stared back into his dark chocolate eyes. They were so beautiful. He raises his hand and moves a peace of my hair behind my ear. He dipped his head down and I wanted this to happen so badly, but I had to stop him.

I know I'm breaking up with Jughead but I'm not going to cheat on him, he doesn't deserve that.

I gently raised my hand to Sweet Pea's chest and stopped him. He looked down at me and all I could see was lust in his eyes.

Betty: Sweet Pea I want this, but let me break up with Jughead first. I say and he nods his head understandingly.

As we were in this intimate moment I saw Jughead walk into the bar. I made sure we were a far distance from the entrance so Jughead wouldn't see us.

Betty: give me a second. I say while ducking under him and walking into the bar.

I caught up to Jughead and we took a seat.

Betty: Jughead I am really sorry but I think we need to end things. I think we're better off as friends. I say softly.
Jughead: I feel the same way. He says and I let out a breath of relief.
Betty: you wouldn't mind if I date Sweet Pea.... right? I asked making him chuckle.
Jughead: if you want. He says with a shrug.
Jughead: but since when did you and him get along? He asked with a smirk.
Betty: since about five minutes ago when he admitted the only reason he was an asshole to me was because he wanted me. I say making us both chuckle.
Betty: anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you later Juggie. I say while walking out and seeing Sweet Pea still waiting for me.

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