Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I said goodbye to my abusive boyfriend Archie as I headed to my new job as a bartender.

Archie always hurts me if I've done something wrong like forgetting to clean the house, coming home late from work or late from outings with friends, when he lets me, not dressing nice enough, not tending to him and other stuff. It's fine though, I deserve it. It's what I get for not being the best girl for him. He tells me that he only does it so I can be a better person at all times.

He's helping me. Or that's what I say so I don't cry myself to sleep every night. He hates when I cry, not because I'm upset, it's just annoying to him and it ruins my makeup.

The only reason I got this job was because he told me I needed to start earning money for the house we share.

I want to get out of this relationship so badly but he's threatened me if I ever left him or told anyone about what's going on, especially my father and brother.

My brother Jughead and my dad Fp are both heads of the Serpents. Archie doesn't even let me see them anymore.

Whenever Jughead or dad call they always ask why I never visit and each time Archie is listening to the call, making me lie to them. The guys I love the most.

I arrived a couple minutes early just to get an idea of the people I'd be around.

My shift soon started and I walked behind the bar with this other guy.

Sweet Pea: now what's a gorgeous girl like you doing back here? He asked with a smirk.
Betty: think I can't do it? I asked with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: maybe, maybe not. I'm Sweet Pea by the way. He said while extending his hand out to me.
Betty: Betty. I said while shaking his hand.
Betty: and if you're so confident, lets make a bet. Whoever can make the most tips win. I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: I'd feel bad if I won against you on your first day. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: as if you'd win. I say confidently.
Sweet Pea: I have a relationship with these customers, they'll obviously tip me well. He said cockily.
Betty: okay lets put it to the test. I said while pulling my hand out. He smirked and shook my hand.
Sweet Pea: you're on. He said with a grin as we began serving customers.

We had been working for 2 hours out of our 6 hour shift and I was already doing amazingly on tips. During our whole shift Sweet Pea and I never stopped because we both so desperately wanted to win. Every time we passed each other we bragged about how much money we were making.

We soon both came to the end of our shifts and we closed up the bar.

We took a seat at one of the tables and counted up our tips.

Sweet Pea: how much did you make? He asked.
Betty: $321.50. How about you? I asked.
Sweet Pea: $301.40. He said with a sigh. I smirk.
Betty: oh, did I hear correctly? Mr cocky didn't win? I said with a giggle.
Sweet Pea: I am not willing to admit defeat. He said. I let out a laugh.
Betty: it's okay you can admit the new girl won. I said while flicking my hair. He let out a laugh.

Sweet Pea: today has been fun. He said with a smile.

I must admit, it really has been amazing with him. It's the most fun I've had in two years, since I met Archie.

Betty: yeah it's been gre- I began before someone burst through the door. I looked up and realized it was Archie.
Archie: Betty lets go home. He said sternly.
Betty: okay. I said as I stood up.
Betty: I'll see you tomorrow Sweets. I said as I waved goodbye to him. He gave me a worried look but said goodbye.

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