Betty x Sweet Pea

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Let's do this!

Betty POV:

Toni: see you tomorrow birthday girl. She smirked as I got off her bike.
Betty: shut up. I giggled.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm turning 18.

My birthday is always a little hard for me. I'm a twin, my brothers name is Jughead.

He unfortunately passed away when we were 8. It hurt me deeply, and all that pain is brought back up on our birthday.

It's also been really rough this year. For the past couple days, my dads, Fp and Hal, and my boyfriend Sweet Pea have been hiding something from me and being really distant.

That's the last thing I want right now. I need them.

I walked inside and saw my dads and Sweet Pea talking in the lounge. I looked at them and held back a groan.

I don't even want to speak to them at this point. If they want to ignore me, they'll face the consequences.

Fp: did you have fun with Toni? He asked. I rolled my eyes.
Hal: is everything okay? My dad asked skeptically. I rolled my eyes again.
Sweet Pea: baby? What's going on? He asked confusedly.
Betty: you guys have been spending zero time with me this week and now you want to talk. Well I don't. I hate you. I yelled at them.

I stormed up to my room and locked the door.

Right now Jughead would have given me cuddles and tickled me because he was mean like that.

I miss my twin, every single day.

Fp: Honey please open the door. He said softly from outside of my room.
Betty: go away. I don't want to speak to any of you. I yelled out. 
Hal: come on honey, talk to us. He said.

If you couldn't already tell, Fp and Hal are my adoptive parents. They adopted Jughead and I when we were two. 

They said when I turned 18 they would tell me who my real parents were, if I wanted to know.

I honestly don't. They left me so I doubt they're interested in knowing me now.

I love my dads anyway. I don't want any other parents but them.

As I was distracted by my thoughts, my door flung open.

Sweet Pea: wow, I never thought running shoulder first into a door would work. Cool. He said.

If I wasn't mad at him I would laugh.

Sweet Pea came by my side and pulled me into his lap. I let out a groan.

My dads sat on my bed beside me.

Sweet Pea: tell us what's wrong Princess. He said.
Betty: you guys have been spending no time with me this week and are hiding something from me. I don't like it, plus you guys should be spending time with me because I need you. I said to all three of them.
Fp: we're not hiding anything from you. He said as he rubbed my arm.
Betty: then why is Sweet Pea always here talking to you guys? I said.

Sweet Pea sleeps here every second night, but he's been spending to much of his time here, and talking to my dads, not me.

Sweet Pea: because I wanted to plan a special birthday present babe, you know I wouldn't hide anything from you. He said softly as he kissed my temple.
Betty: what is it? I asked. The three of them smirked.
Hal: you'll just have to wait. He said and I groaned.
Hal: we're sorry for not spending enough time with you. Is this about Jughead? He asked and I nodded my head.

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