Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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This is a two part series. I hope you enjoy.

Sweet Pea POV:

I was standing outside of the Wyrm with my girlfriend, Betty.

We've been dating for about a month now and today I've decided to introduce her to my friends.

Betty and our relationship has been nothing but perfect, how couldn't they like her?

Betty: I'm nervous Pea. She said. I held her hands supportively in mine.
Sweet Pea: they'll love you as much as I love you. I said with a smile.
Betty: I really hope you're right. She said as I leaned down and placed a kiss on her soft limps.

We walked into the bar, hand in hand. I lead her up to my friends and introduced them all to her.

I introduced her to Jughead, Fangs and Toni. Jughead and Fangs barely acknowledged her and Toni was staring her up and down.

They were acting so rude and I could tell how uncomfortable she felt.

Toni: I excepted you to look different. She said as she raised an eyebrow.
Betty: what did you expect? She questioned Toni.
Toni: taller, brown hair, brown eyes, somewhat pretty- She began before I cut her off.
Sweet Pea: Toni what the hell!? I yelled angrily at her.
Toni: she asked me a question and I answered it. Gosh Pea, where are your manners? She asked with a smirk.
Betty: I think I should leave. She said uncomfortably.
Sweet Pea: Betty no- I began until Toni cut me off.
Toni: yeah, you really should. She said as she waived her hand goodbye.

Betty began walking out of the bar and to her car. I caught up to her and saw that tears were running down her face.

Sweet Pea: Betty please don't go, I'm so sorry about them. I said desperately.
Betty: Sweet Pea it's clear they hate me. This was a mistake. She said.
Sweet Pea: Betty I know you're upset and I'm going to kill them when I see them later, but please. Let me take you back to mine. I said. She shook her head.
Betty: I'm going home. She said as she got into her car and drove off.

I yelled a loud 'fuck' in the empty parking lot. What the fuck is their problem?

This is the only girl I've ever felt a connection with and they treat her like absolute shit.

I saw my whole future with Betty and now she might not even want to see me anymore.

I stormed into the bar and to say I was angry, was an understatement. I could kill the three of them right now.

Sweet Pea: what the hell happened? I yelled at them all, in particularly Toni.

How dare she call my beautiful girl ugly. She is beyond stunning, and one of the best things about her is her beauty isn't only on the outside, it's on the inside too.

I mean if Betty wasn't the nicest person I've ever met she would have fought back with Toni. But Betty was mature about the situation unlike Toni.

Toni: she clearly isn't the girl for you. She said with a shrug.
Sweet Pea: you know absolutely nothing about her. How fucking dare you treat her like that. She made the effort to try and meet my asshole friends but you all just couldn't put any effort in, could you? I yelled at them as I stormed out of the Wyrm.

I got on my bike and sped home, not wanting to be around those idiots any longer.

When I arrived home, I smashed my helmet onto the counter and pulled out my phone, trying to call Betty.

Three rings went by before it went to her voicemail. The sound of her beautiful and cheerful voice flooded my ears.

I then decided to message her.

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