Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

After saying goodbye to my sister, I began my walk to Pops.

My boyfriend Sweet Pea had called me earlier, telling me to meet him there.

I walked inside and saw him sitting in our booth. It's by the back, near the heaters. Sweet Pea always complains that it's too hot, I personally disagree.

I walked over to our booth and took a seat opposite him.

Sweet Pea: are we okay? He started out, nervously.
Betty: of course we are baby, why'd you ask? I ask him confusedly.
Sweet Pea: Betts we've barely spoken these past two weeks. Every time I text you, you never answer. Every time I call, you're busy. What's going on? He asked me in a soft tone, not angry with me.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and let out a sigh.

Sweet Pea: come here bub. He said. I stood up and walked to his side of the booth.

I sat next to him and he wrapped me up in his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder as he kissed my neck.

Sweet Pea: family? He asked.
Betty: yes. I whispered.

My six year old sister and I live my parents Hal and Alice, a couple fights away from a divorce.

They spend every waking minute arguing.

I hate living at home. I want better for my sister, Alia.

She spends half the night up, having to listen to our horrible parents. And because she's scared, she keeps me up. Not that I blame her.

I haven't got proper sleep in years. I'm always exhausted. Exhausted from everything.

Sweet Pea: Betty, move in with me. He said and I moved my head so that I was face to face with him.
Betty: what? I asked.
Sweet Pea: Baby you're not happy at home and I hate seeing you like this. Move in with me, I'll look after you. He said.
Betty: Sweets, I cant just leave Alia alone. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: she can come too. He said like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Betty: It's really kind of you to offer, but are you sure? Having a kid in the house isn't easy. I said to him and he smiled, kissing my forehead.
Sweet Pea: it wasn't easy trying to convince me to go to prom, but it worked out. He said making me laugh. I rested my head back on his shoulder, loving his intoxicating smell.

Sweet Pea: let me look after you and Alia? He asked.
Betty: okay. I said.

We spent another half an hour at Pops until we decided to call it a day.

Sweet Pea was going to head back to his house and get his truck, then meet back up at my place so we can move out.

I can't believe that within a five minute conversation, I was now suddenly moving into his house.

I walked home feeling happy and nervous.

I'm glad we'll be spending more time together but what if we break up? Alia and I will be homeless.

I hate my parents but at least I have a guaranteed place to sleep, eat and shower.

I soon arrived home, just as my parents were leaving for a business meeting.

They work together, who knows how one of them isn't dead and the other in jail.

My parents also have this really bad habit of leaving Alia home alone. She's six for God's sake, she could seriously hurt herself and no one would know for hours.

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