Betty x Jughead ( bf ) x Sweet Pea ( her brother )

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I really need to work on my titles 😂

Third Person POV:

It was a normal day at home as Betty was in her room finishing off one of her many assignments as she was studying for her majors. Alice and Hal were downstairs watching some tv show, waiting for their pride and joy of a daughter to come downstairs and join them for a movie later on.

Betty was able to hear the doorbell go off but continued finishing off the last couple of sentences as she knew her parents would answer the door.

Hal stood up and walked to the door. He unlocked the door and swung it open. What Hal saw brought anger to every inch of his body.

The son returned.

Sweet Pea Cooper, the son of Alice and Hal Cooper, the older brother to Betty Cooper.

Sweet Pea and his parents had never gotten along. They were always on different ends, fighting against one another.

Betty knew that he and their parents never got along but she never knew about all the times they'd fight. They always made sure she never heard it.

At the time, Sweet Pea was 18 and Betty was 14. Sweet Pea made the decision to leave and start a new life. A life where he didn't need to be overpowered by his parents.

He left without saying goodbye to his younger sister, the sister who he only stayed for in the beginning.

Once he left and never answered any of her calls or her texts, it destroyed her. She cried nights on end, hoping her big brother would come back and hug her, telling her to stop crying because he's back. But he never came back, he never called. He left his younger sister who needed him.

Hal: you need to leave. He immediately said, knowing that he is the last person his daughter would want to see.
Sweet Pea: I'm here to see Betty. He said not wanting to have any interactions with his father.
Hal: and you're the last person she wants to see. Now leave. He said as he raised his voice at his son.

Betty POV:

I heard some yelling coming from downstairs and I decided to see what was going on.

I closed my computer and walked downstairs. What I saw made me wish I stayed upstairs.

My brother Sweet Pea was apparently back.

He left when I was 14, I'm now 21. He left me for 7 years and didn't contact me, not even once.

He was my older brother who I looked up to. He was the person who I shared all my inner thoughts with. He was my everything. He was.

Betty: what is he doing here? I said angrily as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Hal: I don't know but he was just leaving. He said as he looked up to me.
Sweet Pea: Betts please, can't we just talk? He begged. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: you have no right to call me that. And we could have talked, within the last 7 years. I have nothing to say to you. I said.

It hurts me to cut him off like this but he's hurt me for the past 7 years.

Sweet Pea: Betty please, just give me the chance to explain things. He said desperately.

I walked down the rest of the stairs and moved myself so I was standing directly in front of him.

Betty: Sweet Pea you left me 7 damn years ago. Do you understand how much that hurt me?! How everyday for a year I'd stay up hoping that you'd come home, that you'd say that everything was alright. I waited for so long Sweet Pea, I wanted you home. For god sakes, I didn't even know if you were alive or not. You left me. I yelled at him angrily as tears streamed down my face.

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