Betty × Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was sitting on my couch in New York, looking at the beautiful ring my financé had proposed to me with.

Sweet Pea has made me the happiest man in my otherwise terrible life.

I use to live in a small town called Riverdale. I loved living there, for the first 14 years of my life or so.

When I went to high school, that's were everything went horribly wrong. I made a group of three friends. Archie, the redhead. He had always been nothing but sweet to me. Veronica, loved going shopping with her. The last person was Jughead. He was actually my boyfriend.

I know everything sounds perfect, but it wasn't.

One day I was at the mall and I saw the three of them together, without me. I didn't mind, we can't always hangout together. But there was something inside of me that new something was wrong. I quietly sneaked my way closer to them so I would be able to hear their conversation. What I heard mocked me for years, until Sweet Pea came along.

I heard them mentioning how much they hated me and how they didn't want to be around me anyone more. They called me fat, a pig and multiple other names. It broke me. I trusted these people.

I admit, at the time I wasn't skinny, I wasn't fat either though. I was the normal and healthy weight for a person my age. Now I'm definitely skinny but I still have a descent amount of meat on me. Sweet Pea and I often train together at the gym. He's always been supportive of what I decided to do with my body.

My home life wasn't good either. I had parents who were overbearing and didn't want to talk to be unless they were telling me off for the multiple things I had done wrong throughout the day, according to them.

At the age of 17, the day I heard my so called friends say that stuff about me I knew I couldn't take it any longer. I knew I needed to get out of this god for saken town and just run.

I had been saving money up for over 4 years, only I just never expected to be leaving here so early. I packed my bag and booked a flight to New York. It would be a perfect new start for me. From new people to new experiences.

I had well over ten grand saved up. Any money my parents would give me I saved. They often gave me large amounts as it would keep me out of the house and away from them longer.

On that cold night I picked up my bag and jumped out of the window, not being seen by anyone. I didn't tell anyone that I was going. No one cared about me so I wasn't going to waste my time pretending that someone did.

Here I am now, 8 years later, currently engaged to a man who has always put my needs and my feelings before his.

I met him very early on in my time here in New York. When I first arrived I knew I needed a job if I didn't want to end up on the streets. I was walking down a busy street when I saw a sign at a coffee shop saying help wanted. I didn't even need to show them my resumé, they instantly hired me.

I had been working there for about 4 months when a dark haired, well built man walked into the shop. For once it was a pretty quiet day. As soon as he entered I couldn't help but feel like he would have some sort of effect on me.

He was sweet and kind. He started coming more regularly and we started to hangout after work. He'd tell me about him and his job and I'd tell him a little about me, obviously leaving out everything that had happened in Riverdale. Over time we become extremely close and he asked me out, by that point I had become completely honest with him and he knew everything about me. I couldn't help but say yes to the man that had excepted me and made me feel safe since day one.

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