Betty x Sweet Pea

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My oneshots have been flopping lately anna oop-

Sweet Pea POV:

Sweet Pea: come on Jason, pack up your stuff. I said to him. He nodded his head as he walked into his room.

My fiancée wrapped her arms around me with a smile.

I've been engaged to Veronica for 1 year now, our wedding is in 2 days and I'm beginning to have second thoughts.

I think my feelings for Betty might be coming back. Betty is the mother of my son, I'll always love her.

Betty got pregnant when she was 17 and I was 18. We kept the baby but we couldn't live with each other, every day and night we'd end up fighting. We decided that it would be better for us to focus completely on the baby.

When he turned 7 we decided that one week he'll spend it at my house, and the next he'll spend it at Betty's. It seems to be working well, although Jason hates Veronica.

Jason has always tried to avoid her, I wish they'd get along, or maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't marry her.

Veronica: I love you baby. She said as she kissed my cheek.

The nickname always felt weird coming from her, it felt better coming from Betty.

I think I rushed into this relationship and got to caught up in everything that I didn't see the signs. I shouldn't be with her.

Sweet Pea: I love you too. I managed out.
Veronica: I'm so excited to be your wife, to become Veronica Connor. She said happily.

I remember the days Betty and I use to say we'd get married, we'd always become a giggling and blushing mess whenever we said Betty Connor.

Now that's all gone and I don't know if I can deal with it.

Jason: I'm ready dad! My ten year old son yelled out as he ran into the lounge with his bag.

I mentally thanked him for walking in at this moment.

Sweet Pea: go out to the car. I said and he nodded his head.

I said a quick goodbye to Veronica, trying to get out of her presents as soon as possible.

I got into the car and saw as Jason was sitting in the front with his belt on.

Sweet Pea: ready to go? I asked and he nodded his head.

We were half way to Betty's when he spoke up.

Jason: are you really going to marry Veronica? He asked.

I didn't even know the answer to that question.

Sweet Pea: why do you ask? I asked, avoiding his question.
Jason: I don't like her. He said with a sigh.
Sweet Pea: she's not that bad. I said, trying to convince us both.
Jason: mum is better. Why can't you marry her? He said.

It's like my thoughts are coming out of his mouth.

Sweet Pea: I'll be honest with you, I really do love your mum, but I'm not sure if she wants a relationship with me. But I'll talk to her when we get to her house. He nodded his head excitedly.

We arrived at Betty's house and like always, she was over the moon to see her son.

Betty: I missed you so much. She said as she peppered kisses all over Jason's face.

No matter how much she hugs him or kisses him, he always embraces it, but when it comes to me, he couldn't get away faster. He's definitely a mummas boy.

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