Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Betty POV:

Betty: you're also not supposed to fuck your employees. I said.
Sweet Pea: I like you, okay. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: pretty shit way of showing it. I said.
Sweet Pea: what do you want me to do? He asked in defeat.
Betty: tell me that you love me. I said.
Betty: if you really care, say that you love me. I said as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

He walked up to me and caressed my cheek as a tear fell from my eye.

He wiped it away with his thumb.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He said as he looked into my eyes.
Betty: on the plane when I asked what we were, why didn't you say that. I asked him.
Sweet Pea: because I'm an idiot. He said.

He picked me up and placed me gently on our bed.

He layed beside me and wrapped his arm around me.

Sweet Pea: tell me about you. He whispered as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.
Betty: I don't think you'd stick around if I told you. I said as I look into his eyes.
Sweet Pea: after everything that just happened, I'm not letting you go. He said.
Sweet Pea: so tell me about yourself. He said with a soft smile.
Betty: I have a younger brother, his name is Jughead, weird name I know. I said making us both chuckle.
Sweet Pea: are you and him close? He asked. I nodded my head.
Betty: yeah, he's really important to me. I said.
Betty: now for the crazy part, Jughead and I run a gang. I said.
Sweet Pea: what? He asked with confusion.

I began explaining to him about Riverdale and the Serpents.

I told him how I've been apart of them since I was born and how I did my imitation at 18.

Sweet Pea: so that tattoo you have on your chest, is that the Serpents symbol? He asked and I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea: where did you go this morning? He asked.
Betty: there's a Serpents base in New York, I went to visit some friends. I said and he nodded his head.

Sweet Pea: you're beautiful. He said softly.
Betty: you're okay. I said with a wink. He let out a chuckle.

For the next hour we spent it telling each other about our lives, our hobbies and anything else we could think of.

Betty: this has been nice. I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah it has, I like being with you. He said with a smile.
Sweet Pea: do you want to get out of here, grab some dinner? He asked. I nodded my head.

We both got up and he held my hand.

Betty: I like this soft side of you. I said with a smile. He smiled in return as he held my hand tighter.

We walked down the busy streets of New York until we arrived at a small, cute restaurant.

He opened the door for me and I kissed his cheek as a thank you.

We got a table by a window and sat opposite each other.

Over the table he connected our hands and we enjoyed a beautiful night with each other.

Once we finished dinner we decided to go for a walk through some of the old allies.

As we were walking, he took off his jacket and wrapped it over my shoulders.

Betty: thank you. I said. He smiled.

It was so nice being with him where we weren't just having sex.

It was nice being able to get to know him, and it's nice that he wants to know me.

Betty: thank you for tonight. I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: I'm glad I could spend it with you. He said making me smile.
Betty: you're cute. I said making him blush.

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