Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's something different- ish?

Betty POV:

All week Malachi has been ignoring me as he's busy with the Ghoulies. I understand that he's their leader and all but I want to spend time with the man I love.

Malachi and I don't live together yet but I do spend a lot of time at his apartment, above the lair.

It was Friday and I wanted to do something with Malachi, whether we go out or stay in and watch a movie.

I want to be with him.

I arrived at the Ghoulies den and walked up to where Malachi's office is.

I knocked on the door and invited myself.

Malachi looked up for a quick second but then went back to typing on his computer.

Malachi: hey. He muttered out.
Betty: hey Kai, can we do something tonight. Just me and you? I asked as I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

I rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

Malachi: I'm sorry Princessa but I can't. I'm still getting the Ghoulies ready for the raid against the Serpents. He said.

A frown instantly formed on my face.

Betty: I miss spending time with you. I said sadly.
Malachi: I know but I don't have time. He said.

I unwrapped my arms from around him and walked out.

He doesn't have time for me anymore, but I love him so much.

I let out a sigh as I walked down to the bar.

Right now the idea of getting drunk and forgetting all my feelings sounded great.

Betty: I'll take a shot. I said to the bartender.

I think his name is Sweet Pea. It's weird but unique I guess.

Sweet Pea: don't think your boyfriend would want me giving you this. He said with a smirk as he passed me a shot.

I quickly skulled it as I enjoyed the burning sensation. It was a warmth I hadn't felt from Malachi in a long time.

Betty: My boyfriend has forgotten that I'm his girlfriend. I said.
Sweet Pea: sounds rough. He said.
Betty: it is. He's so busy with this gang that he's forgotten about me. And I'm talking to a complete stranger about my shit love life. He lets out a chuckle and got me another shot.
Sweet Pea: guess you really need this than. He said as I took the shot.
Betty: I need a boyfriend who doesn't ignore me, but I guess a shot will have to suffice. I said making him laugh.

For the rest of the night we kept talking and he let me complain about Malachi. We then moved onto more light-ish topics such as our lives.

I found out he has a younger sister called Chloe. She's six and he looks after her full time.

His parents left them a year ago. They were horrible to him and then left out of the blue.

The Ghoulies helped him out with money and made sure he and Chloe were protected.

It was about 11pm and we had been talking for two hours.

Sweet Pea: well my shift is over, if you want we can hangout at mine? I get the feeling you probably shouldn't be left alone. He said.
Betty: what exactly do you think I'm going to do? I asked making us both laugh.
Sweet Pea: well honestly, I think you're going to get way to drunk and end up in bed with one of the Ghoulies. Then Malachi will kill them. He said with a smirk, I let out a laugh.

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