Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I sat on the fresh green grass, near where the Bulldogs were practising for their finals game on the weekend.

I stared into the distance, distracted by my own thoughts to pay attention to my friends or the Bulldogs.

Throughout the day, from some Serpents, I've heard rumours that Sweet Pea's ex girlfriend is in town and that they've been speaking.

Sweet Pea is my boyfriend.

I've been worrying about that all day. And I hate confrontation. I'm really awkward and it makes me anxious.

He's been messaging me a little throughout the day but I haven't had the courage to answer him back.

Veronica: Betty Cooper snap out of it. She said as she clicked her fingers in my face.
Betty: what? I asked as I came out of my daze.
Veronica: what's going on? She asked me.
Betty: nothing, don't worry. I said.
Cheryl: we know when your anxious mind is spinning around and around in circles. What's up? She asked.
Betty: fine. I sighed.
Betty: I heard some rumours that Sweet Pea's ex is in town and that they may have been speaking. I said.
Midge: tell us everything you know about this girl. She said.
Betty: I know nothing, I don't even know her name. Sweet Pea has never mentioned her before. I told them.

Sweet Pea is 20 and I'm 18.

We've been together for the past year. He's finished school and runs the Serpents, this is my last year.

Veronica: that's not a problem, I'll figure it out. She said as she pulled out her phone.

She began typing in a lot of things and moving between one website and another.

Veronica: here. She said as she passed me her phone.

I really don't know how she did it, but she had some photo of a girl and basic information about her.

Betty: are you sure this is his ex? I asked and she nodded her head.

She has light brown hair, 5'5 tall, average weight and is currently located in Riverdale, although for the past year and a half has been living in Greendale.

I looked at her photo and let out a sigh, she was stunning. Then there's me, I'm average at very best.

I have no chance against her.

Betty: she's so much better looking than me. I sighed as I layed on the ground.

Veronica took her phone and herself, Cheryl and Midge took a closer look at Cindy Smith.

Even her name is cooler than mine.

Might as well just text Sweet Pea saying that I accept that we're over. Save myself more hurt.

Midge: you're 100 percent prettier B, and remember, he broke up with her for a reason. She said as the girls nodded their heads.
Betty: yes, but if they're talking again, that could mean he wants her back. I argued.
Veronica: highly unlikely.
Cheryl: wait, isn't that Sweet Pea? She said as she looked over her shoulder.

I looked in her direction and saw Sweet Pea walking towards us.

This is the last thing I wanted right now.

I'm too awkward for this.

Betty: hey, what are you doing here? I asked as I looked at him.
Sweet Pea: I was hoping we could speak. He said and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: alone. He said as he looked at Cheryl, Veronica and Midge.

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