Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short and sweet x

Sweet Pea POV:

I knocked on the Cooper's door and Alice let me straight in.

Tonight I was going to have a chill boys night with my best friend Malachi.

Ever since I started dating his sister Betty, all my time has been consumed with her.

It's time Malachi and I just chill and get to hang out together.

I walked up to his room and opened the door.

I walked in and couldn't help but let out a laugh. I looked to Malachi and he let out a chuckle too.

Betty was cuddled up in his blankets, fast asleep.

Malachi: as I'm sure you're aware, she did an all nighter watching Shane Dawson. We were going to watch a movie in my room and she instantly fell asleep. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: she always finds a way to work herself in. I said making us both chuckle.

I took a seat on his bed, making sure not to wake up my sleeping angel.

Malachi passed me a controller and set up the game.

Sweet Pea: it's going to be hard not to yell. I said making him laugh.
Malachi: yeah, especially since I'm going to beat you in every round. He said smugly.
Sweet Pea: as if. I said confidently.
Malachi: prove it Sweetie. He said, mocking the nickname Betty has for me.

For the next two hours we played to the best of our abilities. We were tied.

We yelled out muffled screams each game, trying not to wake her up. She really chose the worst time and place to sleep.

When either of us won, we'd give the other a cocky grin.

It was about to be the deciding game but I heard my baby say my name.

Betty: Sweetie. I heard her small and tired voice say. I pressed the pause button and turned around.
Sweet Pea: hey Angel, did you sleep well? I asked as she moved into my lap. She nodded her head.
Malachi: before you guys start getting all lovey dovey, I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want? He asked as he stood up.
Sweet Pea: I will. I answered as Betty shook her head.

Malachi soon left and I placed a kiss against Betty's temple.

Betty: I should leave. She said.
Sweet Pea: why buba? She asked.
Betty: it's supposed to be your guys night. I ruined it. She said with a pout. I kissed her soft lips and she kissed back.
Sweet Pea: you haven't ruined anything at all. I told her honestly.
Betty: but still, I should leave you to your guys night. Just come to my room tonight? She asked.
Malachi: in that room you better be reading a bible or going to sleep. He warned us as he brought me my drink.
Betty: you ruined all my plans. She said jokingly.
Malachi: Betts don't even joke about that. He warned her, making her laugh.
Sweet Pea: don't you trust me? I chuckled.
Malachi: she's my baby sister, it'll always be like that. He said.
Betty: well anyway, have fun. She said as she gave her brother a hug and me a kiss on the lips.

Malachi: I still can't believe she's in a relationship. He groaned as she left. I let out a laugh and resumed the video game.

Malachi and I spent the rest of the night doing what every typical guy does, plus eating a whole load of pizza.

It started getting late, as in 2:25 am.

We called it a night and I headed over to Betty's room.

I saw her laying in the middle of her bed, cuddling my pillow. I smiled as I took off my shirt and tossed it to the side.

I gently pulled the pillow from out of her arms and I got into bed.

I thought I had managed to not wake her up, but I suddenly felt her arm wrap over my chest. She brought herself closer to me and kissed my neck lazily.

Betty: you're finally here. She said.
Sweet Pea: miss me bubs? I asked.
Betty: always. I love you Pea. She said so sweetly.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Baby girl, go back to sleep. I said.

I too took my advice and fell asleep to Betty's soft and adorable snores.

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