Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: please baby? Please please please? I asked with a pout as I moved myself into his lap.
Jughead: no. He said.

Jughead is my boyfriend, we've been dating for the past five months.

Betty: please baby? It would be so perfect if we went to prom together.

Jughead goes to school on the South Side while I attend Riverdale High on the North Side.

We met in the towns only diner. That's kinda the only place where you'll see North Siders and South Siders together.

Jughead: prom and dancing aren't my thing. He said.
Betty: all I'm asking for is one night and I promise you won't ever have to do it again. I said.
Jughead: no. He said.
Betty: I'm not going to stop asking until you agree to go with me. I said.
Jughead: well that might take awhile. He smirked.

I dropped my smile and turned my lips into a pout.

Betty: please baby. All I want is to go with you. I said as I ran my hand through his hair.

I watched as he began to crumble right in front of me.

Ruthless Serpent king my ass.

Jughead: fine. He grunted out.
Betty: thank you so much Juggie. I squealed as I held him tight.
Jughead: I hate you. He said. I smiled as I kissed his cheek.


There are two days till prom and I couldn't be anymore excited. This is going to be the most amazing day of my life.

I get to dress up and look pretty. We're going to dance together and overall have an amazing night together.

He's never taken me out on a date, so this is really important to me.

I want to be important to him, and knowing that he's going to take me to prom, it does make me feel special.

It was the end of the school day and I was walking to Pops, to meet my study buddy Sweet Pea.

He's one of my friends that I've known since we were 5.

Every Wednesday after school we meet at Pops and have a little study session.

Him and I are both ahead for our year level so studying together really tests us.

As I was walking to Pops, I got a text from Jughead. Saying that he wouldn't be able to take me to prom.

You have got to be kidding me!

For the past month this is all I've been able to talk about, and now he's going to tell me that he's not coming.

No, I'm not letting him to do that to me.

We've been together for five months and we only ever spend time at his house.

I'm not asking for anything fancy. But we've been together for this long and he's never taken me out on a date or even talked about it.

I feel like I'm not important to him, not at all.

If he isn't going to go to prom with me, I don't want to be with him.

(Jughead and Betty's messages)

Are you being serious?

I know and I'm really sorry, but something has come up and I need to go out of town with a few Serpents. I'll be gone for a few days but I'll make it up to you.

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