Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short but whatever

Betty POV:

I was sitting in the Connors house, I stay here most nights.

Sweet Pea and his twin sister Toni live here. Their parents left them a few years back but that's another story.

Sweet Pea was currently in the shower as Toni and I watched tv together.

Sweet Pea is my amazing, sometimes hot headed boyfriend. Toni is my best friend.

Toni: hey, can I ask you something? She asked. I nodded my head.
Toni: I've noticed that Sweet Pea's grades are dropping. Which means he's getting all caught up in his head, you know what he's like. Could you talk to him? She asked.
Toni: I've tried but it didn't do anything. She said worriedly.
Betty: I'll speak to him. I said.

He's my boyfriend and I'm always going to be his worried girlfriend.

Some times he has these episodes, I wouldn't call it depression. But more like, sometimes life just hits him really hard and he doesn't know how to cope. So instead he shuts down.

Toni: thank you. She said. I gave her a soft smile.

Sweet Pea came out of the shower and walked into the lounge.

Betty: come give me cuddles bubba. I said as I opened up my arms for him.

When he's like this, he needs a little extra love.

He walked up to me took a seat beside me, wrapping me up in his arms.

Betty: tighter. I whispered as I kissed his cheek.

He held me tighter and kissed my head.

Betty: I love you. I said as I placed a kiss on his lips.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He said as he rested his head on me.

Toni looked to me and gave me a soft smile.

Toni put on a movie and we watched that for the rest of the night.

I kept him close to me as I cuddled him tight. My big boy.

As we finished the movie and it was getting late, we all called it a night.

Sweet Pea and I went into his room and closed the door.

He took off his shirt and pants so that he was only in his boxers.

I changed out of my shirt, bra and pants and into one of his shirts.

I got into bed with him and laid by his side.

Betty: have you been keeping your grades up? I asked as I ran my hand through his hair.
Sweet Pea: you've been speaking to Toni. He groaned as he rolled over so he wasn't facing me.
Betty: she's worried about you, just like me. I said as I moved myself closer to him.

I ran my hand up and down his back, I know he appreciates small gestures like this.

Sweet Pea: just leave it alone Betty. He said angrily.

I didn't take his tone or anything he says to heart.

He's a boy with issues playing on his mind.

Ever since his mum left, things had been bad for him. He felt rejected and unwanted.

Those feelings don't just go away over night, and I know that. That's why I would never leave him. I never could either, I love Sweet Pea.

Betty: why are you letting your grades slip hun? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: do we have to talk about this? He asked.
Betty: you can do it with either me or Toni, your choice. I said softly.
Sweet Pea: you. He mumbled.
Betty: then tell me what's going on. I asked as I kissed his neck.
Sweet Pea: what's the point? He asked as he rolled over so we were facing each other.
Betty: the point of what? I asked.
Sweet Pea: the point of trying. Why should I try with school, why should I try with the Serpents, why should I try having a relationship? I'm just going to die anyway. He said. I pouted.
Betty: well, you go to school and study hard because becoming a mechanic is your dream. You're apart of the Serpents because they're your family and we're together because we love each other and are going to spend the rest of our lives together. I said.
Sweet Pea: and what if it doesn't work out? What if the Serpents fall apart one day. What if I study but don't get the grades I need and what if we break up? What was the point? He asked.
Betty: the Serpents are a strong family, nothing will happen to them. There will always be a way to get into a mechanics course, but I know you'll get the grades. You're incredibly smart. And us, I'm not going anywhere if you aren't. I told him.
Sweet Pea: do you love me? He asked shyly.
Betty: well my first love will always be Zac Efron, but you're 100 percent in second place. I said making us both smirk.
Sweet Pea: I understand. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: tomorrow we have the house to ourself, I'll help you study. I said as I moved myself closer to him.
Sweet Pea: people like me don't deserve people like you. He said.
Betty: people like you are big babies who can't sleep if their girlfriends aren't wrapped in their arms. Bubba I love you. I get to take care of you, make you happy, make you mad at me. I giggled.
Betty: I'm really happy with my life. I'm happy because you're in it. I said.
Betty: now it's late and I'm tired. Give me cuddles. I demanded more for his sake than mine.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight to his chest.

Sweet Pea: you're my world. He whispered.
Betty: you're mine too.

I like it :)

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