Betty × Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I was sitting on my couch as I was doing something on my phone when I hear a knock on my trailer door. I had no idea who would be here at nearly nine o'clock at night. I stand up and shove my phone in my pants pocket. I walked to the door and opened it, revealing my best friend, well old best friend, Betty Cooper

Betty and I had been best friends since we were four. We did everything together, including joining the Serpents. Up until a month ago we were as close as two people could get, that's when I started having more then friendly feelings for her. There was no chance of that happening and I didn't want her finding out, that's why I started to distance myself from my best friend, my love.

Sweet Pea: Betty what are you doing here? I saw a hint of sadness wash over her face when I called her Betty. I usually call her Betts and she calls me Sweets.
Betty: I miss my best friend and I want to hangout. She says while inviting herself in.

I'm surprised that she even knocked, my trailer has basically became her trailer, she usually just walks in.

Sweet Pea: Bett- She cut me off.
Betty: no Sweet Pea you're not going to blow me off. I want to hang out with you. We haven't hung on in months Sweets, I miss you. She says with a sad look. I let out a sigh.

I'm hurting her. Why is life this complicated?

Sweet Pea: fine, what do you want to do? I asked. She instantly smiled.
Betty: let's watch a movie. She says excitedly.

I began to make us some popcorn while she looked for a movie.

When we were younger we had a movie night once every week. She choose the movie and we'd eat popcorn. As we watched the movie she would sit in between my legs and her head would lay on my chest. I have no doubt she will do that tonight. The thought of her being in between my legs and cuddling into me is already making me hard.

I put the popcorn on the couch and saw that she chose a romantic movie, not that I'm surprised. The bad part about romantic movies is whenever something cute happens or they kiss, all I can think about is doing it with Betty.

She turned off all the lights and crawled in between my legs, my dick is extremely happy about this.

She started the movie and made herself comfortable, which inevitably made my pants feel uncomfortable. There was no way I could focus on the movie when she's in between my legs, looking like a literal goddess might I add, and also having to try and focus on my dick from not getting a boner. That's when I decided, if she stays there any longer, we're going to have to have an awkward conversation that could possibly end my friendship with her. My stupid dick.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

Betty: Sweets I was comfortable. She says with a whine.

I just ignore her and watch the movie, as I started watching the movie for the first time tonight there is a kissing scene, kill me now. Suddenly the movie turned off and I saw Betty looking at me with a sad look.

Betty: Sweet Pea what's wrong? We aren't like we usually are. I miss our friendship and I love you. She says while looking into my eyes.
Sweet Pea: I love you too, that's the problem. I say as I now decided that I'm only hurting her.

I know this is probably going to be the end of our friendship but I don't want to hurt her anymore then I have.

Betty: Sweets, I love you too. She says with a big smile. I sigh.
Sweet Pea: Betts I don't think you understand where I'm going with this.
Betty: but I do. She says as she leans in and connected our lips.

Her lips were sweeter then I could have ever imagined. I wrapped my arms around her back as she raised her hand to my cheek and gently caressed it. Her lips caught mine in a unforgettable and memorable first kiss. Our lips moved slowly together as our mouths opened up to each other, in sync as we kissed. The kiss was chaste but extremely enjoyable. I know for a fact that it was both our first kisses and we didn't want to start going straight into tongue.

We pull our lips away from each other and we rest our foreheads against each other's.

Sweet Pea: what the hell just happened? I say making her giggle.
Betty: Sweets I've liked you for months, but then you started to push me away. She says with a sigh.

I felt so bad. I wrap her up in a hug.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry Princess, I didn't think you liked me and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I say.
Betty: Pea everyone knew you liked me and everyone knew that I liked you, you were the only one who didn't notice. She says with a soft chuckle.
Sweet Pea: well I'm a dumbass. Would you be my girlfriend? I asked her. She grew a really big smile.
Betty: of course I'd love to. She says as she placed a peck on my lips.
Betty: now can we please cuddle? She says as she moved herself back in between my legs again.

My dick thankfully controlled it's self and I played with her hair like she loves.

I'm in complete shock. We've probably both liked each other for the same amount of time and I never noticed that she felt the same way. I don't believe my luck.

It started getting late and I noticed a yawn escape her beautiful pink lips that had been kissed by mine.

Sweet Pea: do you want to go to bed Princess? I asked. She nodded her head and I picked her up bridal style.

I carried her to my room and placed her on my bed. I gave her one of my shirts since when ever she stays over she borrows my shirts. As she got changed I felt the need to look away. I've seen her in her bra and panties multiple times over the course of our friendship but now that we were in a relationship I felt like she might want her privacy.

Betty: what are you doing babe? She asked and I turned to face her, she had nothing on except her bra and panties.
Sweet Pea: I don't know, I thought that now you might want privacy. I say. She smiles.
Betty: Sweets I want everything to stay the same, the only difference is that we can finally kiss. She says making me smirk.

She puts on my shirt and I put on my pyjama pants, leaving off my shirt as I usually did.

I got into bed and Betty immediately clung herself to me, cuddling me as much as she could.

As friends she had always been clingy and I didn't mind it, in fact I enjoyed her constant need to be around me or the way that she always liked to touch- in a non sexual way. She always liked to brush her hand through my hair, cuddle, hold my hand and any other form of contact.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much Princess and I promise to treat you as one. I say making her blush.
Betty: I know you will baby, you already have been. I love you so much. She says.
Sweet Pea: good night love. I say while placing a kiss on her forehead.
Betty: good night Sweets. She says while resting her head in the crook of my neck and placing a kiss on it.

How the hell did I just get the girl of my dreams?

This is literally a Swetty one shots book 😂
I hope you enjoyed this! ❤️

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