Betty × Fp Part 2.

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Betty POV:

I was at home looking through my cupboards. I have nothing perfect enough for Fp. I probably spent about 2 hours trying on different outfits.

I settle on a light pink dress. I wear my pink heels and head into my bathroom. I get out my curling iron and put a couple waves into my hair. I put on some of my light coloured, pink lipstick. I look into the mirror and smile, I hope Fp likes it.

I take a look at the time and start heading out.

On the drive I think of the possibility's between us. Would he actually want to get together or is this a friends with benefits thing? I hope it's not the second option.

I arrive at his house and knock on the door. My heart was racing. He opens the door and gives me a smile that instantly calmed me down.

Fp: you look stunning Betty. He says while walking us to the kitchen.
Betty: you look good yourself. I say in return.

We took a seat in the kitchen. He made a perfect dinner for us both. I didn't know he cook.

Betty: didn't know you could cook. I say with a giggle. He laughs.
Fp: I'm a man of many talents. He says with a smirk, making me grin.

We enjoyed dinner together while making easy conversation. The food was amazing and so was he. The small smiles and sweet touches made me melt. I've never had a guy treat me like this. Fp makes me happy.

Throughout the evening we moved ourselves onto the couch and we were having some random conversations. My head was resting on his shoulder as I noticed his eyes gaze lower done my body.

Betty: eyes up here buddy. I say with a giggle. He smiles and gazed into my eyes. I do the same.

His dark brown eyes stared deep into my green eyes. I moved my body so I was now straddling him. His eyes didn't leave mine at all. His hand rests on the sides of my hips and he pulls me closer to him. Our bodies were pressed together and he began placing soft kisses on my jawline. One of his hands moved to the small of my back, feeling when ever I arch my back due to the pleasure he gives me.

He pulls away and stares deep into my eyes once agin. His eyes were full of love and lust.

Fp: you know how gorgeous you are, right? He says lovingly.
Betty: well from all the times you've called me beautiful tonight, I think I do. I say with with a giggle, he smirks.

Betty: lets take this to the bedroom. I whispered into his ear, slightly bitting it.

Third Person POV:

He stands them up and she wraps her legs around his muscular torso. His six pack was against her legs and she couldn't help but smirk. Along the short walk to his room the blonde peppered small and soft kisses on his jawline and neck.

He lays her on his bed and used his hands to hover over her. He was definitely going to be dominating, not that she minded, she actually find it pretty hot.

She took a handful of his shirt and pulls him closer, causing their lips to collide in a wet and lustful kiss. He smirks into the kiss. The tip of her tongue began gliding on the inside of his mouth, causing him to growl into her mouth. "fuck baby girl" he mutters.

She wrapped her tanned arms around his neck and began placing tiny kisses on his jawline, down to his neck. Every kiss got a little more lustful and eager.

He had let her have her way for the first part put decided to take control again. The blondes arms were still connected to the man so he lifted her up and took a seat on his bed, letting her straddle him.

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