Sweet Pea x Toni

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Sorry it's short!
Requested by: KatMarie619  ( ps, sorry it literally took like half a year )

Sweet Pea POV:

I was hanging out at my house with my best friend Toni.

We met the night she completed her initiation.

I remember the first time I saw her. Her beautiful hips were wrapped around a pole as she danced to some song. The song was like white noise to me as my eyes were glued to her body.

She is beyond beautiful.

Since that night, two and a half years ago, she's all I've been able to think of in a romantic way.

Overtime we became friends, best friends even. But that's where it stopped. She sees me as nothing else. Thinking about that always rips my heart into shreds.

Toni: could you make some more popcorn Pea? She asked. I nodded my head.

We were having an all night movie marathon.

I got up and made us some more popcorn.

From the lounge I admired the glow of the tv that reflected off of her perfect skin.

I heard the microwave beep so I quickly took out the popcorn and put it into a bowl.

I walked back into the lounge and Toni smiled.

I put the popcorn next to me, forcing her to come a little closer to me.

She moved a little closer which was the highlight of my night.

Her attention went back to the movie as mine remained on her.

She's an independent and amazing girl. She's been my side for 2 and a half years. She's the best friend I never thought I deserved.

Toni: what? She questioned as she caught me staring at her.
Sweet Pea: nothing, you just look cute wrapped up in that blanket. I said with a smile.
Toni: I'm always cute. She said teasingly. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: I wouldn't disagree. I said as I stared into her eyes.

She held my glance as well, staring back into my eyes.

Toni: Pea? She whispered as she still looked at my eyes.

I picked up the now empty popcorn bowl and moved it onto the floor.

She moved closer to me until my arms could easily snake around her waist and pull her onto my lap.

Sweet Pea: I think you're beautiful Toni. I said making her blush softly.
Toni: Sweet Pea, you're the most amazing guy I've ever met. She said as she bit her lip.
Sweet Pea: can I kiss you? I finally asked.

I've been speaking to her for two and a half years. At this point it can't be selfish for me not to want to talk, but to kiss those rose pink lips.

Toni: please do. She said desperately.

We both leaned forward a small amount until our lips had finally met.

Just like everything else compared to her, my lips were bigger, making it easy for me to dominate the kiss I've been needing for so long.

Our lips danced together like a wild fire. I felt sparked as our lips melted into one another's.

She caressed my cheek as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

We continued kissing for the next few minutes until we both pulled away, gasping for air.

Toni: I'm so glad you did that. She said as she rested her head on my shoulder, still breathing heavily.
Sweet Pea: so am I. I said.
Sweet Pea: so am I. I whispered.

I kissed her cheek as her eyes went back to the movie.

This has been the best movie marathon ever.

A short lil something.
I hope you enjoyed

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