Betty x Sweet Pea

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Is this one shot me kinda expressing how I feel about certain characters, yes.

Betty POV:

I was woken up at three am to the sound of something dropping downstairs and people laughing.

It's just me, my mum Alice and my father Hal who live here.

Just like every idiot in a horror movie, I slowly got up out of bed and took my phone. Like that would be any help if there's a murderer.

I walked down the stairs, trying to stay quiet.

I'm 18 and too young to die.

I kept close to the wall as I leaned forward and saw the cause of all this noise.

Fp and my mum.

Fp was on top of my mum, kissing down her neck. Her hands were gripping tightly into his hair.

You have got to be kidding me.

Not only is she cheating on my dad, that's my boyfriend's dad.

Sweet Pea and I have been dating since I was 16. And they think that this is okay? They disgust me.

Betty: what the fuck do you think you're doing? I whisper yelled at the two of them.

They instantly separated from each other.

I was going to tell my dad, but not now.

He doesn't need to see his bitch wife acting like a whore.

Betty: I can't believe you two. You're fucking married and I'm dating your son. You really have never given a shit about him. I said.
Fp: you don't know anything about me and my son. He tested me.

Oh, this bastard. Abusive bastard.

Sweet Pea use to live on the streets when he was 13 to the age of 15. One day Fp got out of his drunken state and asked Sweet Pea to move back in. The only reason he moved back in was because he really had no where to stay.

The reason Sweet Pea left was because Fp use to hit him.

Fp has never been a good father or person.

Betty: all I need to know is that you're an abusive asshole who should be locked up. Don't think he hasn't told me that you were the one who killed Jason blossom. I said and his eyes widened.
Betty: you're both pigs. I said as I stormed out of the house.

I always keep my keys hidden under a chair on the patio. Alice always tries to hide my keys from me. She's a bitch.

I picked up my keys and drove to Sweet Pea's trailer.

I soon arrived and began knocking as hard as I could on his door.

I was angrier than I had ever been in my life.

I finally have a good thing going for me and she has to ruin it.

Sweet Pea opened the door with his eyes half closed, messy hair and no shirt.

Sweet Pea: fuck Betty, be quite, my dad is sleeping. He groaned.
Betty: yeah, sleeping with my fucking mum. I said angrily.
Sweet Pea: Betty I really don't know what's going on but I'm tired. Come to bed with me and we'll talk in the morning. He said as he grabbed my hand and began taking me to his room.

I instantly pulled away from him. He's not getting my point.

Betty: your dad and my mum were about to sleep with each other. I yelled at him.
Sweet Pea: what? He said as he walked to his dads room.

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