Betty x Fp

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Guys, I have an obsession with them and I think I'm going to make a book about them and it will kinda be based off this... don't judge me 😂

Betty POV:

I'm Betty Cooper and I'm in a little bit of a predicament.

Let's start of with I'm cheating on my boyfriend, but to be fair he's cheating on me as well, with my best friend, Veronica. Easy to say that she's definitely not my best friend anymore.

Jughead doesn't know I'm cheating and he doesn't know that I know he's cheating.

The person I'm cheating on him with is Fp, his dad. I know it's so bad but Fp makes me feel so loved and happier then anyone else ever has.

I feel like Jughead and I have slowly fallen back into when we were friends, and I prefer that better.

When we make plans it's usually to hang out at one another's houses and just chill. Not doing anything a couple would do. I think we just mutually broke up with each other without saying it. I like it that way, it avoids all awkward tension.

I'm sitting in my room staring at the wall. I have another major problem. I've been ignoring Fp for the past couple days. I can't stay with Fp while he's with Gladys. I'm an absolute asshole for getting with him in the first place. I could be running a family, I am ruining a family.

It's been so hard to distance myself from the guy I love but I can't be the one that ruins a family, especially a family I love to death.

Jellybean is such a beautiful kid. Jughead is a decentish man, not to mention my childhood best friend. Gladys always let me stay over and treated me like her own child. My parents were usually away on business trips so I lived alone basically.

I was brought out of my horrible thoughts when I heard the sound of my doorbell going off. Since I was the only one home, like always, I got up and walked downstairs.

I opened the door and saw Fp standing there. He was wearing a simple pair of blue jeans, a black shirt that showed off his abs nicely, lastly his Serpents jacket that he's wrapped over my shoulders so many times.

Betty: Fp, what are you doing here? I questioned.
Fp: well when you don't reply to my messages or answer my calls this was the only thing I could do. He says.

I take a deep breath and decide to end things with me and him now. I look up into his beautiful brown eyes and I felt tears brim at my green ones.

Betty: I'm sorry Fp but I can't do this anymore. I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

He gently raised his hand to my cheek and wiped away my tear. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

I couldn't pull away, my body didn't want me to. I wanted to stay with him forever.

Fp: lets go inside. He says quietly while unwrapping his arms from around me and connecting one of our hands.

I let him in and we walk to the couch. I was going to take a seat next to him but he pulled me into his lap. He then let go of my hand and wrapped both of his arms around me.

Fp: what's really going on Betty? He asked softly.
Betty: I don't want to hurt Gladys, I don't want to ruin your family Fp. I just can't do it anymore Fp. I say while looking at him through blurry vision.

The more tears that rolled down my cheek, the more Fp softened up.

Fp: baby, Gladys and I have been on thin ice way before me and you ever got together. We're currently in the middle of getting a divorce- I cut him off.
Betty: what? I asked.
Fp: I want to be with you and only you, you mean the world to me. I don't love her anymore, you're my everything. He says while rubbing his thumb over my back softly.
Betty: I love you Fp, but as long as you and Gladys are still married, there can't be an us. I say while tilting my head down.

He raised his index finger to my chin and lifted it up so I was looking into his eyes.

Fp: if that's what you want, I respect it. He says softly.
Betty: thank you. I say while embracing him in a hug.

We leaned out of the hug and he had to leave. I walked him outside and watched as he walked out the door.

Fp: I love you. He said just before going onto his bike and speeding off.
Betty: I love you too. I whispered as his bike was now a distant sight.

I walk back inside and I knew I did the right thing but it hurt a lot. I walk up to my room and let out a couple more tears.

It had been about five weeks since Fp and I had any sort of contact. I missed him like crazy.

I was laying on the couch as I flicked through boring tv.

I heard the doorbell ring and I couldn't help but smile, secretly hoping that it was Fp.

I quickly turn off the tv and skip to the door.

As soon as I opened it Fp picked me up by my hips and I wrapped my legs around his muscular torso.

Betty: what are you doing? I asked with a giggle. He looked at me lovingly and held me tight.
Fp: the divorce was finalized last night. I'm all yours baby. He says while placing a lusty kiss on my lips.
Betty: really? I asked with the biggest smile.
Fp: yep baby girl. He says happily.

As I'm still in his arms I hug him as tight as I could. I heard a chuckle escape his lips.

Fp: you're so precious. He said.

I really really ship them. IM SORRY! not really 😉

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