Betty x Sweet Pea

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It feels like I rarely ever do SP POV. So here you go, enjoy x

Sweet Pea POV:

My girlfriend Betty and I had been out at the Wyrm all night. By now she had gotten drunk and I had taken her home.

I carried her into our apartment as she was stumbling all over the place.

Betty: you're so strong. She said excitedly, making me laugh.

I carried her into our room and sat her on the bed. There's definitely no way she's going to be able to get changed, so I'll have to do it for her.

Sweet Pea: baby I'm gonna get you changed so we can go to bed. I said.

I took off her shirt and as soon as I did that, she looked to me in horror.

Betty: I have a boyfriend. She yelled as she quickly hid the top half of her body under the blankets.
Sweet Pea: oh, tell me about this boyfriend. I said with a smirk. She smiled excitedly.

My bub is the most adorable thing.

Betty: he's the most handsomest boy ever in the whole entire world. He gives me all the kisses and cuddles. He is the sweetest and always looks after me. He likes to make me blush. He lets me take all his jumpers and he gives me kisses when I go to sleep. He lets me sleep on his chest at night and he plays with my hair since he knows it helps me fall asleep. He is the tallest person ever and he has the hottest abs. She said.

I was in awe.

Sweet Pea: that boyfriend sounds like he's very lucky to have you. I said with a smile as I picked up one of my shirts and put it over her head.
Betty: I say the other way around. She said with a shrug.
Sweet Pea: I disagree baby. I said.

When I called her baby, she gave me a weird look. I don't think she's realised that I'm her boyfriend yet.

Sweet Pea: Betty, do I look familiar to you? I asked.
Betty: you look like my boyfri- you are my boyfriend. She said excitedly like a kid on Christmas.

She wrapped her two hands around my arm and pulled me down so that my body was on top of hers.

Betty: I love you. She said with complete seriousness in her voice.
Sweet Pea: I love you too, more then you'll ever know. I said as I placed a soft kiss on her even softer lips.

Betty: Sweets. She said.
Sweet Pea: yeah baby? I asked as I stood up.
Betty: come back. She said with a pout.
Sweet Pea: I'm getting ready for bed. Would you prefer clothes or no clothes? I asked with a smirk.
Betty: no clothes. She quickly giggled. I let out a chuckle.

I stripped out of my clothes until I was left in my boxers.

I go into bed as she quickly came onto my chest. I smiled as I began stroking her hair.

Betty: do you need your boxers on? She asked with a huff. I let out a laugh.
Sweet Pea: would you prefer them off? She quickly nodded as I let out a laugh.

Sweet Pea: you're so adorable. I said as I brushed some of her hair out of her face.

Looking into those beautiful eyes always make me stop and think about how lucky I am to have this gorgeous girl in my life. Every time we cuddle and kiss, it reminds me of how good my life is with her.

She's my angel.

Betty: you're so handsome. She said as her hands squeezed my cheeks, just how all grandmas do. I let out a chuckle.

Sweet Pea: bub I think it's time we went to sleep. I said. She nodded her head tiredly and rested her head in my neck.
Betty: night handsome. She mumbled as I wrapped both my arms around her.
Sweet Pea: night Princess.

I was woken up to the soft whispers of Betty. I looked at the clock and it read 2:36 am. We had only been asleep for about an hour.

Sweet Pea: baby what do you need? I asked in a groan.
Betty: I want cuddles. She said.

I thought I may have moved my arms from around her or something, but with the dimness of the light in our room, I could see that my arms were still around her.

Sweet Pea: baby take a close look to where my arms are.

She did exactly what I said and found that my arms were already around her.

Betty: oh. She said. I let out a chuckle, she's too adorable.
Betty: well I want all your cuddles forever. She said as she kissed my forehead.
Sweet Pea: you can have nearly all my cuddles. I whispered.

The only other people I'll be cuddling is our kids when we have them.

Betty: who else are you going to cuddle? She asked like a child who was mad that I took away their candy.
Sweet Pea: you'll find out one day bub, but now I want you too go to sleep okay? She sighed but nodded her head.

And that's my drunk, beautiful, baby girl who stole my heart.

A cute lil something for you.
I realised I wrote a drunk Sweet Pea one shot and it was time I did a drunk Betty one.
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