Betty x Sweet Pea Part 3

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This is kinda going to be shit because I wanted to get this over and done with.

Betty POV:

I walked over to him and he looked to me with a soft and warm smile.

Okay, going good so far.

Betty: hi, it's nice to meet you. I smiled as he got up.
Max: it's nice to meet you too. He said as we embraced each other in a quick hug.
Max: I got this for you. He said as he pulled out a small jewelry box from his pocket.

He placed it in my hands and I carefully opened it, revealing a pair of stunning diamond earrings.

Betty: woah. I said in shock. He let out a small chuckle as he took a seat again.
Max: I hope you like them. He smiled as I sat down.
Betty: absolutely, they're stunning. Thank you so much. I said as I looked up to him with a smile.
Max: you have a beautiful smile. He said making me blush.

We talked a little before we ordered some lunch.

He seems to be a really sweet and caring guy.

Max: so tell me your story, how did you end up here? He smiled.
Betty: it's extremely complicated. I chuckled.
Max: I have time. He smirked.
Betty: if I told you, you'd probably just run. I tested back light heartily.
Max: I doubt it, how could I run from a pretty face? I let out a small giggle.
Betty: you win this round. I smiled as he winked.

I began explaining to him the whole situation that has taken place these past two days.

As I told him, it brought all the hurt I had been feeling this morning back.

Max: your ex sounds like a complete asshole. He commented as we finished our food.
Betty: that's an understatement. I said with a sigh.
Max: but you still love him, right? He questioned. I nodded my head.
Betty: sorry. I said. He smiled softly.
Max: I'm not here to judge, I'm here to support you, spoil you. He said making me smile.
Betty: the earrings are more than enough. I told him.
Max: that's only the beginning. He smirked.

We continued talking as we decided to take a walk behind the diner and down a small rocky path until there was a small little lake running through.

Max: so what's next for you? He asked.
Betty: well I need to find a house, that's for starters. I don't want to live with my ex at the moment. I just really want to focus on giving my baby a good life, which means he has to be in it. I want my child to have their dad in their life. I said and he nodded his head.
Betty: we've talked enough about me, tell me about you. How did you end up on this website? I asked.
Max: honesty kinda weird, but don't worry, I'm not a creep who wants you to send picture of you and your bump. He said making me laugh.
Max: I guess it's because I can't have kids of my own and I'm not really interested in the whole long term dating thing. So this is my alternative, and I like spoiling people. He added.
Betty: that's kinda sweet. I said making us both smile.

We talked for a little longer, getting to know each other and honestly, forming a friendship.

Max: it was really nice meeting you. He said as he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.
Betty: it was nice meeting you too. I smiled.

We said goodbye to each other and I headed home.

This little date was great and really took my mind off of everything going on in my life.

I soon arrived back at Polly's place and the twins greeted me with hugs as soon as I walked in through the door.

I picked them up and carried them to the couch.

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